Motorists in Hampshire are being warned of icy conditions as temperatures struggle to rise above freezing.
Temperatures are expected to rise into the 40s and 50s this week, with overnight lows remaining above freezing.
Overnight lows hovered in most of the Northeast under 20 degrees and should not get above freezing Saturday.
No kidding: temperatures in the northernmost region of the United States stay well above freezing in the summer months.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch | Open the Door to Cool Summer a Escape
Temperatures are due to fall next week, with many places being only a few degrees above freezing during the day.
Amid rain and temperatures just above freezing, police brought in two water cannon, deploying one of them to push back the rioters.
Temperatures were above freezing Friday in Riga, CNN forecaster Mari Ramos said.
Artistic director Pete Irvine said clear skies were forecast for the four-day event and temperatures were expected to be well above freezing.
But it warned that the cold winds were expected to continue, and that temperatures would struggle to get above freezing across many central areas.
Considering normal New York January highs hover just above freezing, with water temperatures not much warmer, staying in for any amount of time is no small feat.
Common in the U.S. but still rare in Japan, they involve chilling perishables to a couple of degrees above freezing within a few hours of harvest and maintaining that temperature all the way to the store.
But give it the Glacial treatment and what you are left with is just a sensation rather than a flavour, a cool, snappy, crisp crackle of biscuity malt and a faint impression of hops, and all of the sweetness and flavour flattened by serving it just above freezing.
Teams have been traveling in deep snow followed by deep overflows in a trail deteriorated by above-freezing temperatures.
Above-freezing temperatures also led to overflow along the trail, a potentially dangerous situation where water has pushed up through the ice and refrozen, creating a weak top layer of ice that teams and mushers can break through.
Already small businesses with less than 50 employees are freezing hiring, and those with just above 50 workers have begun layoffs.
Freezing temperatures in eastern Bolivia (normally above 68 degrees Fahrenheit) killed millions of fish in three major rivers, and the freeze was viewed as an environmental catastrophe.