But there are still 1.7 million pensioners living in poverty today, while a further 1.1m have incomes only just above the poverty line.
Next I would tax every person above the poverty line 4%, absolutely no deductions.
And now, everyone above the poverty line will gain access to higher-quality, private-sector coverage on the exchanges.
The government claims Labour spent billions moving people above the poverty line without significantly changing their children's opportunities.
Scrapping them would pull about 3m people above the poverty line.
But they do not reach the poorest reliably, and have no future in countries aspiring to become middle income, except for households well above the poverty line who can pay for advantage.
So, you're replacing a manufacturing job that can sustain a family with jobs where people are -- in some cases, if you're a home health aide, you're barely above the poverty line.
CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'
Today's India boasts a thriving, entrepreneurial and globalised economy, with a dynamic and creative business culture, dealing with the world on its own terms and pulling over 10 million people a year above the poverty line.
Ms Mayer found that although doubling the income of poor families would lift most children above the poverty line, it would have virtually no effect on their test scores and only a slight effect on social behaviour.
In fact, according to studies undertaken by the World Bank, economic growth, far from widening inequality, has reduced the gap between rich and poor within and between provinces, as well as lifting millions above the poverty line.
By contrast, Mr Gore would expand the State Children's Health Insurance Programme, a set of block grants made to states by the federal government to insure poor children, to reach 1m families living just above the poverty line.
At the end of the day, the most humane way to provide health care to the poor is to offer them subsidies to buy private insurance: something that Obamacare offers to those above the poverty line, but not below it, albeit in an overregulated and costly form.
That way, middle class individuals, as well as millionaires, are taxed on amounts earned above the actual poverty line.
FORBES: What the Romney and Gingrich 1040s Tell Us About How We Tax The Rich
However, he concedes that 18% of Bosnians live below the poverty line, and another 30% just above it.
Of these, 4m are people whose incomes will sink below the poverty line, while 2m are people who would have risen above it had it not been for the recession.
Although the exact numbers of smokers in housing projects are unknown, about 30 percent of Americans living below the poverty line smoke tobacco, more than 1.5 times the rate of those who live above it.