Shulman has been conspicuously absent from any public discussion of the tax whistleblower program.
With big pharma in many cases absent from the game, biotech entered the field.
But high-end private homes have been conspicuously absent from most portfolios of the country's greatest architects.
Shaheen, though, was absent from Athens after the disgruntled Kenyan Olympic Committee blocked his participation.
Absent from the the previous three games through injury, Ebanks-Blake struck just after half-time.
Absent from CES was one of the most influential companies that marries technology and media, Apple.
Alex Sanabia (1-0) had been absent from the majors since late in the 2011 season.
Sanabia (1-0) had been absent from the majors since late in the 2011 season.
Largely absent from the northern half of the country, CarMax has room to grow.
Activision had previously purchased Blackops domains up to 6, with 2 noticeably absent from the list.
The first is economic nationalism, a force long thought absent from the corridors of power.
Red squirrels have been absent from the north and west Highlands for about 30 years.
Beckham was absent from the Boxing Day win over Bradford City after a week of treatment.
Noticeably absent from the list of prohibited activities is participating in a game of bowling.
Notably absent from that list is Huang, who has cited his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.
No light from a sample, therefore, means that that particular mutation is absent from it.
But throughout the developing world teachers on the public payroll are often absent from school.
While certainty and speed are absent from this debate, there is some sort of momentum.
Noticeably absent from the brief debate was any GOP effort to defend the attorney general.
He is absent from issues in which he has a duty to be involved.
The stereotype of the mad scientist is never entirely absent from Mr Pais's portraits.
That still left 39 behaviour patterns that were common at some sites and absent from others.
In terms of capital raised from IPOs in 2010, Russia again was absent from the top 10.
America has so far been absent from this encounter, costing us dearly in terms of strategic position.
The element that has been conspicuously absent from the college decision process is the voice of the matriculated students themselves.
Given the grisly results, I'm sure that trust and respect was utterly absent from this early alliance.
You'll also notice that absent from the unit is an optical drive -- not surprising, given the size.
ENGADGET: Maingear Pulse 11 review: a small and surprisingly powerful gaming laptop
Absent from the honors boards were the names of Nyunt Hlaing, Hla Kyi, Tin Chaw and Kyaw Min.
However, the popular instant-messaging service Blackberry Messenger - known colloquially as BBM - is absent from the upgrade.
Mighty Toyota Motor is absent from our A-List of the world's best big corporations (see p. 37).