He has absolute power, and it will be hard to resist the Dark Side.
Mr Dirceu denies knowing of illicit financing and insists that he democratised the party, but by most accounts he wielded near-absolute power over it.
In 1990, King Birendra of Nepal proclaimed a new constitution that restored multi-party democracy to the Himalayan kingdom and stripped him of his absolute power.
Chief Justice IFTIKHAR CHAUDHRY (Pakistan): (Unintelligible) and absolute power grabs, absolutely.
In fact, as Putin has moved to secure absolute power in Russia, he has relied heavily on fellow alumni of the Soviet KGB and other security services.
Arguing that if Congress did not explicitly prohibit its authority it could act to regulate anything, the EPA subsequently lost its legal attempt at naturarchy, seizing absolute power in the name of nature.
It goes without saying that atavistic emotions such as class revenge or the sheer joy of exercising absolute power are wholly alien to the character and political philosophy of Britain's present prime minister.
General Musharraf's biggest achievement may be that, after eight months with near-absolute power (and with another 28 to go, under a Supreme Court ruling), he still has democrats, liberals, economic reformers and non-proliferators hoping.
ECONOMIST: The general dictates the tune to which Pakistan will dance
As in Kathmandu in February 2005, when Nepal's King Gyanendra seized absolute power and cut most international communications, UN offices, with their own dedicated VSAT links, offered one of the few connections to the outside world.
Demand for resilient and reliable delivery is rising far faster than the absolute demand for power.
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If the taxing power is absolute, then, as many others have noted, what cannot Uncle Sam compel Americans to do?
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And he made clear that restoring power is an absolute priority, and he continues to make that clear in the meetings that he has.
In different ways, each of these examples appears to point to the same, welcome conclusion: that the imbalance in corporate power of the late 1990s, when many bosses were allowed to behave like absolute monarchs, has been corrected.
However, with such power comes great responsibility, and he must exercise same based on rationale and logic and after doing his absolute best to set emotions aside.
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