The Spanish Government would be absolved of responsibility even though it supervises Spanish banks.
Hundreds took advantage of the special offer to have their sins absolved by email.
Ajmal went for 46 in under four overs, but Waqar absolved the off-spinner of any blame.
The Lebanese had their own security problems, and said that the 1969 agreement absolved them of responsibility.
Father Lombardi also noted that Argentine peace laureate Perez Esquivel absolved Francis of collaboration with the dictatorship.
Mr Gomez was absolved of the earlier charges in April of last year, but prosecutors appealed against the decision, leading to Wednesday's sentence.
The parents of a four-year-old boy who died after falling into the sea in Somerset have been absolved of any blame in his death.
BBC: Dylan Cecil sea fall inquest: Parents absolved of blame
Civic-minded Italians who have meekly paid up have now been congratulated by Mr Prodi from his television pulpit and absolved for past fiscal sins.
The idea that Representatives automatically are absolved of their campaign promises by virtue of their election is both the height of elitism and unspeakably cynical.
FORBES: The Supercommittee And The Attempted Slandering Of Grover Norquist
The league absolved Saints owner Tom Benson of any blame, but said the investigation showed Payton and general manager Mickey Loomis knew about the bounty program.
WSJ: NFL Alleges New Oreleans Saints Issued Bounties on Foes
His conduct was not imprudent, and as such I believe he should be absolved of the charges against him as he found himself in a very difficult situation.
Of course, this will only be possible when human engineers are absolved from the mundane, menial tasks that hold them back from time spent on innovation and ingenuity.
FORBES: The Death Of Outsourcing, And Other IT Management Trends
As he served tea during my 2002 visit, Nada expressed confidence that he would be absolved after Swiss, Italian and U.S. investigators pored through the mountains of documents.
The Clinton team also appears to believe that improper, if not illegal, financial activities can be absolved as long as the money is given back when one gets caught.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Why Tony Lake Is In Trouble In The Senate
Twenty-two people, including several policemen, which had been accused of being involved in the attack were absolved for lack of evidence in 2004, after nearly three years of court proceedings.
After Adams, who had no prior criminal record, spent a dozen years on death row and once came within seventy-two hours of being executed new evidence emerged that absolved him, and he was released.
As a result, he broadly absolved the Fed of any blame for global inflation, putting it instead on foreign governments for not allowing their currencies to appreciate and for keeping their interest rates too low.
However, an internal report last year absolved Mr Buckles personally of any wrongdoing and concluded it was "in the best interests of the company and of all its stakeholders" that Mr Buckles remained at the helm.
But for those sinners who claim to have repented, and so are to be absolved of part or all of their debts, there is the question of what to do with the money that no longer has to be handed over as interest payments.