Other ministerial portfolios followed - immigrant absorption, housing and construction, justice and later foreign affairs.
At current absorption rates, it will take two years for all the space to fill.
In answer to your question, Ezetimibe (trade name Zetia) is a cholesterol absorption inhibitor.
Kasich just goes on and on, enthusiastic to the end, fired up on adrenaline and self-absorption.
The recycled blue jeans will be used as both sound absorption material and carpet backing.
You are truly extraordinarily and uniquely self-absorbed in a town where self-absorption is common.
But one effect of that absorption is that it turns the ocean water more acidic.
Some have more serious symptoms such as bowel mal-absorption, abdominal pain, diarrhea and nutrient or vitamin deficiency.
And when they used a different method, atomic absorption spectrometry, 25 were found to exceed EU limits.
Zetia, also known by the chemical name ezetimibe, works by stopping the absorption of cholesterol in the gut.
The most significant development has been the absorption of the company, previously independent, into the Kennedy Center administration.
It will reduce domestic absorption of goods and services without the unemployment that results from sticky nominal wages.
Newer balls come with a coating that inhibits water absorption, which isn't the case with older leather balls.
In 2011 in Shanghai there was 12 million square feet of office absorption.
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Scientists think that the compound itself has an effect on limiting glucose absorption, which in turn helps reduce weight.
Even though gastric banding restricts the amount of food, it does not reduce the absorption of calories or nutrients.
However, cooking fresh tomatoes with a little oil also greatly increases lycopene absorption.
And a relatively quick absorption of the impoverished North could bankrupt South Korea.
And the company hopes to improve the absorption (and effect) of Abbott's 431 compound by developing it as an inhaler.
The porous version exhibited high "selective absorption and adsorption" - preferentially picking up organic pollutants and dyes out of water.
BBC: 'White graphene' soaks up pollutants and can be re-used
Fat helps with the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, of which vitamin E may be particularly important for brain health.
If you take iron supplements, make sure to take them separately from calcium supplements, which can interfere with their absorption.
Domestic production must rise relative to domestic absorption of goods and services, or absorption must fall relative to domestic production.
The development of biofertilization techniques would also increase water use efficiency by promoting higher nutrient absorption and crop growth rates.
There is also a big difference on synthetic vs natural when it comes to bioavailability, absorption, and assimilation in the body.
That, in turn, results in an increased absorption of solar radiation by the darker ocean surface, which also contributes to warming.
Compare that to Silicon Valley, where more space is coming online and the real estate market has a positive absorption rate.
The government knew at least as early as the mid-1940s that potassium iodide was protective against I-131 absorption by the thyroid.
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Taking them with juice is a better idea, as the acid and vitamin C in juice may help with the absorption.
In addition, make sure to eat plenty of vitamin C rich foods as vitamin C improves iron absorption from plant based foods.
CNN: Could low iron, protein contribute to soreness after exercise?