Until, eventually, he was ready to show his own singular response to Cezanne's investigations into perspective and abstraction.
For maths, pupils at this higher level should show they are "versatile and can manage abstraction".
Her style is pure abstraction of form and line, just like a mathematical equation.
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The show opens with a surprise to me: Picasso, as a closet inceptor of abstraction.
In admitting abstraction's costs, Mr Golding accepts that it can leave practitioners with nowhere to go.
For all its practicality, we are witness to a remarkable subtlety of both abstraction and beauty.
It became part of my DNA, and I think that started my eye for abstraction.
WSJ: Patricia de Cisneros on Gego, Tom��s Maldonado and Jac Leirner
For while we may well have fixed abstraction of resources, we also have technological advance.
They aren't a shoe company as much as a giant abstraction a condition of the aspirational mind.
He films the uprising with a flat theatrical abstraction, turning it into a dimly recalled dream.
Class-action lawyers have clients, after all, even if they seem like an abstraction in many cases.
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Life is an abstraction, hard to define, impossible to patent in Europe or anywhere else.
MEMS, he says, bring to PCs the prospect of linking abstraction and the physical world.
Their MVP will be built as an abstraction of documents they received from wedding planners and newlyweds.
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With abstraction as the hinge, Duchamp opened a trapdoor at the bottom of Western thought and feeling.
It was a concept, a meaningful abstraction, a potent creative direction for the real band to follow.
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Other artists, notably Wassily Kandinsky and Kasimir Malevich, the Russian pioneers of abstraction, are more difficult cases.
His style is a risky blend of formal abstraction and dramatic realism, and it demands resourceful actors.
Professor David Cope speaks in purposeful abstraction, attempting to brace us for what we're about to see.
Gradually we saw a thread that connected the works of art we'd been buying, and it was abstraction.
WSJ: Patricia de Cisneros on Gego, Tom��s Maldonado and Jac Leirner
The trailblazing Wassily Kandinsky and the bulletproof masters of abstraction, Piet Mondrian and Kazimir Malevich, doubled, tortuously, as theorists.
Difference 3: Goldman is wrong in his view that software is patented at too high a level of abstraction.
Is there a contradiction between Richter's early social activisim and his apolitical abstraction?
The other crucial transformative pillar, excellence, is not seen as an abstraction, an ideal to which we merely aspire.
We could come to understand what makes us understand and abstract abstraction itself.
In place of abstraction, Stuntz argues for the saving grace of humane discretion.
The moody riverscape by Van Dearing Perrine and the crystalline abstraction by Manierre Dawson are among the surprises here.
Software defined storage could allow a further level of abstraction and cost effectiveness.
In fact, he had found a harmony and abstraction in all things that would have delighted the ancient Greeks.
To think about the future has become a rare abstraction, except when we think of it as a threat.