But if you're new to the scene, you needn't start with something so abstruse.
His brainiac aide in this abstruse enterprise is his assistant general manager Peter Brand (Jonah Hill).
The relationship between religion and the state is not an abstruse question of political philosophy.
One excuse might be that the abstruse markets where he built up his losses are not exactly cinematic.
Of the country's roughly 80, 000 non-profit groups, only about 100 enjoy tax-free status because of an abstruse accreditation scheme.
The theory, which goes back to efforts by Danish engineer A.K. Erlang to predict phone traffic in 1909, gets pretty abstruse.
And they have issued a reminder that even the most abstruse and arcane branches of mathematics can sometimes be deeply pragmatic, too.
In the abstruse world of physics, glass is indeed classified as a liquid (albeit a supercooled and therefore not very mobile one).
And, grouped in an alcove, 15 works by Bada Shanren (1626-1705) show him to be one of China's most abstruse and inventive artists.
The procedures are so abstruse that a parliamentarian must sit below the presiding officer and, essentially, tell him or her what to say.
There's nothing abstruse about the way "Moneyball" dramatizes the enterprise.
It sounds like an abstruse topic, but it's actually pretty fundamental to the discussion of what the global economy should look like in the wake of the financial crisis.
It also marked the moment when maths began to slip away from being part of the armamentarium of any educated person and towards the dizzyingly abstruse field it has become today.
By virtue of their abstraction and the somewhat abstruse quality of representational conventions, architectural drawings are by nature less accessible, but if ever there were examples for the nonexpert public to appreciate, these are they.
We must provide a comprehensive (some would say abstruse) education and the context for using it while also giving our students the concrete tools they need for the world that is about to overtake them.
The problem with this sort of evidence is that, unlike the discovery of a cache of missiles, it is both abstruse and circumstantial: it proves what Iraq could have done, not what it verifiably has done.
Mr Sandel brings abstruse-sounding ethical puzzles down to earth with vivid examples taken from the news: price gouging in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, affirmative-action programmes at American universities, large bank bonuses paid with public money.
ECONOMIST: First principles of justice: Rights and wrongs | The
Orbanes' book suffers from disorganization, and he offers too much information about abstruse Monopoly tournaments: Not surprising, given that he's a game fanatic, a former Parker Brothers executive and president of a gaming company called Winning Moves.
The chancellor's partial redesign of benefits as tax credits has proved to be a costly and error-prone administrative nightmare, so abstruse that a casual observer can be forgiven if they suspect that obfuscation was one of the main objectives of the reform.
But if it is not introduced in the coming year, the government would face the prospect of trying to over-ride the Lords in the run-up to the 2015 General Election - just when ministers would much rather be focusing on bread-and-butter issues, not abstruse constitutional matters.