Still, if you're serious about your photography and video, it might not seem like that absurd a price.
The author's account of the farcical events of 1940, when, following the defeat of France, Grynszpan was released from prison only to give himself up again to the collaborationist forces of Vichy, shows us a life that was fundamentally absurd in a way that Albert Camus would surely have recognized.
WSJ: Book Review: The Short, Strange Life of Herschel Grynszpan
The very attempt would be absurd for a genre that spans at least 600 years (and counting).
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One need look no further than the Clinton-Yeltsin summit meeting to appreciate how absurd such a stance is.
In its current state, scratching requires an absurd dexterity and a love for mind-melting sonic distortions.
Mr. Hikind initially called the backlash "absurd" in a statement posted on his blog.
Narcissism, of course, wasn't invented by the Internet and it would be absurd to establish a causal connection between self-love and mass murder.
This absurd thinking populates a great deal of market commentary at the moment, not to mention that Fed Chairman Bernanke naturally believes it.
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Many feel that it is absurd to have a defence that is only available to women, and then only to women who are married.
My idea does sound a bit absurd, but it is just an extreme and very direct attempt at a solution, because this really is a huge crisis and something drastic does need to be done.
There you have a pure product of the French administrative elite, ENA graduate, famous their ability to defend any absurd thesis to get a good rank at the school.
Arguing against home ownership as a concept is just as absurd as arguing that everyone should own a home.
We've reached the point where watching a slightly doughy man in the movies is hilarious because it's so absurd like seeing a burrito in a tuxedo.
It is all a completely absurd misunderstanding that will certainly be quickly explained.
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Watching the show now, some of the scripted moments feel a little absurd.
Will the results be as absurd, to quote a popular book for kids this age, as giving a pig a pancake?
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They realize that, with the possible exception of the Ottoman empire in its chaotic last decades, no superpower has ever pursued a more absurd strategy.
This absurd result occurs since a relative poverty measure is used, rather than an absolute measure (although these measures are not without their own problems).
Sure you do and regular readers will recall that I huffed and puffed about how that was an entirely absurd method of calculating a tax bill.
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Not defending absurd federal spending for a second, federal spending is something that will be way too high for as long we try to keep global peace.
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It would be absurd to maintain that a prudent Germany is responsible for Greece's profligacy or Spain's property bubble (though a few heroic economists have argued this).
His complaint made him look petulant and a bit absurd.
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She said: "If the clinicians in the case are saying it could have an impact, it seems absurd to give him a drug when he could be at risk".
In the first instance, as you have pointed out, there are already 28 states that have been practicing the provision of contraception coverage, so any claim now seems a little absurd.
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And then maybe its absurd excess will provoke a needed reset inside the organization, providing a timely reminder that the politics of addition are always more effective than the politics of division.
The case, however, speaks volumes about California's lax campaign-finance laws (surely it is a little absurd to allow insurance commissioners to raise money from insurers), and also about Mr Quackenbush's lack of judgment.
"The Theory of Flight" is not a depressing film about a dying woman. (But if I were you I would take some Kleenex.) Rather, this is a wonderfully absurd story about liberation and love.
Yes, a deliberately absurd example.
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People who are trying to paint her as being in a bubble are absurd.