The event will include plenary sessions, parallel workshops, roundtable discussions on academic exchange and visits to media organisations in London.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: Africa-UK Journalism Education Exchange Network to be launched this month
It is expected that this event would not only help build partnerships between institutions in Africa, the UK and Ireland, but also provide opportunities for collaborative research and academic exchange.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: Africa-UK Journalism Education Exchange Network to be launched this month
But it is not clear - judging from an exchange of academic views on Radio Scotland and taken up by Radio 4's 'More or Less' last week - that an independent Scotland would have had to accept the full bill for bank activities beyond its borders.
BBC: What price the Union?
U.S. citizens are not allowed to travel to Cuba for mere tourism, though they can obtain licenses for academic, religious, journalistic or cultural exchange trips.
NPR: Treasury: Beyonce, Jay-Z Cuba Trip Licensed
The standard line from the academic literature is that central bank intervention in foreign exchange works only when it's in line with the fundamentals - and even then, only when lots of central banks work together.
BBC: Swiss move to make its safe-haven less attractive
Over the course of WSIS I've realised that the most effective exchange of ideas doesn't necessarily take place in lofty academic sessions.
BBC: NEWS | Technology | UN net summit diary: Day three
Yet, curiously, several academic studies have concluded that the Big Mac index is surprisingly accurate in tracking exchange rates over the longer term.
ECONOMIST: Big MacCurrencies | The