The king did his best to accentuate the positive in relations between Abraham's quarrelsome children.
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But is it possible to accentuate the positive, and reduce the inevitable negative, effect of sanctions?
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You know, you want to accentuate the positive, but you don't want to lie because they can find out.
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Yes these are off the highs of the day but the emphasis is very much to accentuate the positive.
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Awkwardly for those who like to accentuate the positive, some of the commonplaces of interfaith discussions are implicitly challenged by the vote.
ECONOMIST: Islam and Switzerland
One has to accentuate the positive amongst all this gloom, however small.
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Diplomacy should not just accentuate the positive and ignore the negative.
But Bush chose to accentuate the positive, noting favorable remarks about the concept of developing a missile defense by several nations, including Britain, Italy, Hungary, Poland and Spain.
CNN: Bush trip focuses on building rapport