These licensees may declare a minimum threshold bid they would be willing to accept in order to sell their license.
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Each and every federal, state, commonwealth, local, or foreign governmental agency, department, or office is hereby authorized and directed to accept this Order and any and all documents, mortgages, and instruments necessary or appropriate to effectuate, implement or consummate the transactions contemplated by or described in the Plan, the Plan Supplement, and this Order.
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The goal is tomake bondholders accept losses in order to keep a struggling bank in business.
SPD's left wing has shown itself much less willing to accept compromises in order to stay in government.
Are you able to accept risk in order to achieve your dreams?
While a Traditional, born 1945 or earlier, would accept almost any order as long as it came through the proverbial chain of command, Boomers and Gen X might hesitate but comply.
Real world logic and morality are essential to video games, even if we simultaneously accept that in order to solve these puzzles and overcome these obstacles, we have to play by different rules.
Will Europeans accept that, in order to compete, their welfare state will need significant and painful reform?
The EULAs are form agreements that are non-negotiable, and users must accept their terms in order to play the games.
The U.S. and Europe, who have dominated the G-8, now have little option too but to accept a new world order.
If an owner-operated business chooses to accept diminished profit in order to enhance social welfare, that decision isn't being imposed on shareholders.
It is reasonable to think that you would accept less compensation in order to move more money into the hands of those who need it.
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Some might contend that black players are more likely to have roots in the south and midlands, and so might accept lower wages in order to play close to home.
In order to accept the nomination I needed to sign some papers, send a headshot, revise some pieces of my application, and get a lot of stuff in order and do it all before 11pm on the first day that Baby K was home.
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However, with all of that said, the economic climate we live in today means that union activists will not be able to fend off the calls for their members to pay more for health benefits and accept other concessions in order to meet budget shortfalls on the local, state and national level.
First, embrace technology, accept risks and failures in order to stay relevant if you are in a rapidly changing industry.
There is no way now for the court to avoid deciding, and will likely order her to accept what county election officials say is the most accurate tabulation of the vote.
But judges cannot make workers accept lower wages and they cannot order customers into the showroom.
Since the financial crisis Japan has continued to accept financial instruments as collateral in order to pump money into the system, but has not bought the assets.
But he will not accept a deal that, in order to protect some of the wealthiest Americans from having their taxes go up, shifts the burden unduly onto seniors and the middle class.
Western powers, particularly the United States, had been pushing Karzai to accept the final election results in order to ensure Afghanistan has a legitimate government, particularly as Washington considers beefing up its military presence there.
International diplomats have speculated that Sunni Arab governments which fear Iran feel they need clear steps forward towards an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal in order for their nations to accept Arab backing of US-Israeli moves against a fellow Muslim nation.
And the company that will take over the club has now been told it must accept a further 20-point deduction in order to be allowed in the League.
And Luton Town Football Club 2020 (LTFC2020), the company that will take over the club, has now been told by the Football League that they must accept a further 20-point deduction in order to be allowed to stay in the League.
They need to partner with, outsource to or accept guarantees from entities like IMG and ESPN in order to maximize revenues.
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The aim is to accept a less comprehensive embargo over civilian exports in order to gain wider international support for a tougher regime over military supplies.
The FTC said the vote to accept the consent agreement package containing the proposed consent order relating to standard-essential patents for public comment was 4-1, with Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen voting no.
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Everybody needs to accept -- to give a little, in order to achieve the kind of spending reductions that we all believe are necessary and the kind of investments that we all believe are vital to the economic growth that this country needs to compete and win the future in the 21st century.
That's a tall order, and Bossidy isn't likely to accept many excuses.