It sells access to lists of genes and computers that can sort through those messy lists.
You can also access music play lists and song information with the remote as well as operate the TV tuner, video and even an on-screen slide show of digital photos.
You should require employees who have access to customer lists, strategic plans, pricing information, financial data and other confidential business information to sign confidentiality agreements that restrict their use of such information during their employment and after.
With just one click you can access email and share lists functionality, as well as print and sorting.
ENGADGET: Wunderlist Pro goes live for iOS, Mac and web, priced at $50 per year (video)
When the Franken campaign filed its initial lawsuit demanding access to the voter lists, it used as an example an 84-year-old woman in Beltrami County whose vote was supposedly rejected because she'd had a stroke, and therefore her signature on her absentee ballot did not match the one on file.
The Forbes Lists app gives you access to the Forbes 400, World's Billionaires and the Celebrity 100 lists.
Is a compendium of simple factual lists about open access (OA) to science and scholarship, maintained by the OA community at large.
The fact that we have folks with HIV who are on waiting lists to get access to treatment or the fact that our state programs are not coordinated with our federal programs.
Security teams can develop access protocols, issue application white lists, and wipe lost devices.
The commission is also asking states to create statewide voter registration lists so everyone has access to the same voter information and so mistakes can be minimized.
That means it supports Windows 7 Jump Lists (for quick access to your music controls and playlists from the Taskbar), Previews letting you glimpse and control media by hovering your mouse over the Zune button on the Taskbar, and Aero Snap auto-resizing of the Zune software window.
ENGADGET: Zune 4.0 software is out, ready to fulfill your dreams (update: kills "squirting")
Increasingly, watch-lists are used to restrict access to training and education, and to stop people buying property, guns, chemicals and other things that can be made into weapons.
With the new integration, Flipboard users can easily browse SoundCloud to discover sounds or use their SoundCloud account and access sounds from people they follow and lists they've created.
ENGADGET: Flipboard brings the noise in NPR-ified app update, Britta will be pleased
Although NHN Japan's self-developed apps alone will be released at first, NHN Japan has made it clear that it plans to increase the availability of apps developed by external business partners by opening its API and offering developers access to LINE's functions including friends lists, messaging and payment.
Campaigning under the slogan " A better Ghana", he lists economic growth, better energy supplies, improved access to education and political decentralisation as being among his priorities.
The goal of these people lists and pages is simple: to provide quick access to the information users want, then to provide easy navigation to all sorts of related content.
FORBES: Update: Charting how consumers "Path" through our Billionaires list - Forbes
Whereas the other lists were decided upon by experts and judges, anyone with access to the internet or a mobile phone was invited to vote for the winners this time.
Members using the Wii U GamePad controller benefit from an improved user experience, including the ability to view video content on both the TV and GamePad, or access details of films or TV shows (such as casting or episode lists) when browsing the LOVEFiLM Instant library.
The lists can be integrated with existing firewall user databases or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol files.
But Espelien believes they will choose Android because of its open nature, noting they will be able to access PacketVideo's multimedia tools as well as the phone's contact lists, calendar and phone dialer.
Current channel information plus date and time are also shown in the banner, along with quick access to the last four channels you've watched, your favorites channel lists, closed caption settings, audio and video details, parental controls and the ability to enable picture-in-picture.
These lists are then used by ISPs around the world in order to block access from those places to the wider net.
FORBES: The Biggest Cyber-Attack Ever Is Slowing Down The Internet
The New link lists the most recent games available in Game World while the Genre option gives access to game titles in the following categories: action, adventure, arcade, puzzle, RPG, shooter, simulation, sports, and strategy.
But she added that access to specialist services was a problem with some parts of the country having year-long waiting lists.