The company plans to report back to the court, but in the meantime, it has filed an appeal to the order to block access to its U.S site to French users, the spokeswoman said.
The Stonewall Hill Conservation Group has been fighting the Reeves Hill wind farm and hopes the Welsh government's decision over the access road to the site will help stop it being built.
Iran had earlier said it was prepared under certain conditions to grant inspectors from the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) access to the key military site of Parchin.
Just this week, the English High Court ordered six of the country's Internet service providers to block access to the Swedish site The Pirate Bay on the grounds that it induced its users to infringe copyright.
Monday's release from Specific Media credited the site's new music player, with access to more than 42 million songs, as offering the Web's biggest collection of free music.
Some concerns have been expressed in the area about access to the site and the added strain on the town's infrastructure.
In April 2010, the library signed an agreement with Twitter to gain access to all public tweets since the site's founding in 2006.
It's not the first time users in China have been unable to access the site.
Here users can type in the name of a Japanese site they want to access and Shodouka's software will fetch the pages and reformat them so that the script can be read.
The move will enable Disney's Buena Vista Internet Group to create a new "portal" or access site to the Internet, which ultimately could combine Disney's ABC News and ESPN sports with Infoseek's popular search engine.
The UK's music industry body is demanding that a service offering a workaround to access banned site The Pirate Bay is shut down by its owner.
Yale, Indiana, and California universities also banned access to the Napster site after being named in Metallica's lawsuit, which alleges copyright infringement and racketeering.
The chief of the United Nations nuclear watchdog has called for access to Iran's Parchin military site "without further delay" and without waiting for negotiations to make progress.
The booth wasn't equipped with internet access, so we couldn't test the panel's mettle with a trip to this very site, but images on the desktop and in Samsung's pre-loaded PowerPoint looked very bright and crisp.
They can also access archived versions of the live games to view on demand through the YouTube channel and the league's web site shortly after the conclusion of the contests.
ENGADGET: YouTube's biggest sports deal so far will bring live NBA D-League games starting Friday
Asking a U.S. company to filter access to a site based on a Web surfer's nationality is "very naive, " Yang said in the interview.