Since 2009 Greece has blocked it from offering Macedonia a date for accession talks.
The accession soon afterwards of the first north African country, Morocco, helped to prolong Europe's boom.
The Golden Jubilee 10 years ago marked the 50th anniversary of the queen's accession.
Since China's accession at the end of last year, contracted FDI has risen 35%.
Since her accession in 1952, he estimates she has attended more than 30, 300 engagements.
The accession dates may come only when talks with each country end, and tentatively even then.
And our teams have been working intensively around the issue of Russian accession to the WTO.
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However, on Turkey, it said accession negotiations had "not moved forward for more than one year".
But some of Mr Berlusconi's outgoing coalition are strongly opposed to Mr Monti's accession.
The Maastricht Treaty (Article 121) fixed numerical targets for states seeking accession to the European Union.
Turkey, meantime, continues its brisk transition from bailout by the IMF to accession to theEuropean Union.
Accession will prevent Russia from raising tariffs and invoking nontariff barrier protectionist measures in the future.
The EU responded, in December 2006, by freezing accession talks in eight policy areas.
The accession of either would create expectations dangerous enough to be destabilising in themselves.
Turkey began EU accession negotiations in 2005, but the process has been extremely slow.
Cyprus acceded to the EU after long and painful negotiations like every other candidate for accession.
However, it signed an EU accession treaty in April 2005 and joined in January 2007.
UN, and its accession to the Association of South-East Asian Nations has been delayed.
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First, the commission is to carry out further studies on the impact of Turkish accession.
One result would be better relations with key trading partners and quicker accession to the WTO.
Albania and Croatia's long-expected accession came after all of Nato's member states submitted ratification documents.
Croatia's accession in 2013 and Montenegro's lead are spurring the Serbs to work harder.
Social inclusion sharpens the MDG framework in the context of EU pre-accession countries such as BiH.
Leonard Orban, who was in charge of Romania's accession negotiations, will become a commissioner.
It may require intermediate measures, such as Beijing's accession to the World Trade Organization.
However, Mr Bruton told the BBC he thought a formal treaty of accession would still be required.
In both India and Thailand, accession to the World Trade Organization may spell disaster for local herbalists.
Under the WTO accession, Russia will have to lift these duties and that will hurt the locals.
To that point, the Warsaw Business Journal believes that the upcoming Polish accession to the E.
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Many in the European Union are wary over the accession to power of two such firm nationalists.