Many people afraid to fly actually have panic disorder, which is an anxiety disorder characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms.
CNN: Seeing crash reports can worsen flying phobia
However, if you are concerned your children's fevers are overly frequent or are accompanied by other symptoms, please be sure to consult your pediatrician, who may recommend a physical examination, lab tests or other studies.
CNN: Why do kids always get fevers on Sunday nights?
The symptoms are severe abdominal pain that is sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
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The main symptoms are severe coughing fits which, in babies and children, are accompanied by the characteristic "whoop" sound as the child gasps for breath after coughing.
BBC: Whooping cough cases increase in England and Wales
The symptoms generally start on the chest, neck and face, and can be accompanied by headache, nausea or difficulty concentrating.
CNN: Health - Anti-depressant counters hot flashes from menopause, chemotherapy