Yet this is a wholly misleading account of the nature of brands ( see special report).
Select appropriate techniques for the elicitation of detailed requirements taking into account the nature of the required changes, established practice and the characteristics and culture of those providing the requirements.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Software Developer (28/11/2011) 1CAUIS0997ST & 1CAUIS0998ST - (P1P2)
Because they failed to take account of the social nature of television, not one has caught on.
So the development of what was announced post the 14 specific countries takes into account the evolving geographic nature of the threat.
Yet the West still chases slavishly after ever-higher gross domestic product, a purely material measure that takes no account of the blessings of nature or leisure.
Historians say that internal tensions created by the succession of brothers, rather than eldest sons, may account for the short-lived nature of many Muslim dynasties.
Before being fined, Evans asked magistrates to take into account the political nature of her protest.
The Forbes list is global in scope, taking into account the international nature of crime today.
While presently only 0.03 TW of energy was extracted from wind in 2008, and there is room for a considerable expansion of this technology with relatively insignificant effects on the climate, any future expansion on a global scale must take account that the potential for extraction of wind energy is finite according to the nature of the Earth system.
FORBES: Researchers Warn Of Climatic Consequences To Harvesting Wind Energy On Mass Scale
"In reaching its decision the Commission took into account his admission of the charge, public apology and the extremely provocative nature of the abuse he received, " read an FA statement.
Nevertheless, the concept deals with one of the main arguments that Democrats make against block grants, which is that more people need Medicaid during economic downturns and block grants do not account for that counter-cyclical nature of the program.
FORBES: Why Block-Granting Medicaid Will Result in Better Health Care for the Poor
To make simple what already is, the nature of startup companies means they account for a great deal of innovation that improves our lives, all the while creating jobs and great wealth.
FORBES: A Decline In U.S. Startups Through the Eyes of Bruce Bartlett
Second, many offshore banks ask about the nature of transactions expected to take place through the account.
And again, you have to look at things fresh and you have to take into account, as I said, the dynamics as well as the multidimensional nature of it.