We are all accountable and responsible for ensuring that this happens.
And they have to be held accountable and responsible.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Calder��n Press Availability | The White House
So in addition to making sure that we've got a new acting director there, we're also going to make sure that we gather up the facts, and hold accountable and responsible anybody who was involved in this.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference with Prime Minister Erdogan | The White House
"I can promise you that this is just the beginning of a new way of doing business here in Washington, because the American people have every right to expect and to demand a government that is more efficient, more accountable and more responsible in keeping the public's trust, " he said.
CNN: Obama pledges to turn tide on 'era of fiscal irresponsibility'
People need to understand how they fit in the organization and for what they are responsible and accountable to the company and their peers.
Beyond capturing and holding accountable the terrorist responsible for those tragic events, there was little increase in security throughout Norway.
FORBES: After the Boston Marathon Bombing: Trust? Are You Kidding?
"I am not about to resign, but I recognise that I am responsible and accountable for the team's results, " Simons said on his return.
"For heaven's sake please can we have someone in charge, responsible and accountable for seeing that proper programmes are conducted, " he appealed.
We expect people to act in a responsible and accountable way.
"You can lay down policy until you're blue in the face but unless someone is responsible and accountable for delivering it, it will not happen, " he added.
Lord Ramsbotham argued that because no-one in the prison service was responsible and accountable for young people, there was no overall strategy aimed at challenging their criminal attitudes and behaviour or preparing them for a future free of offending.
Take action and show others that you can be responsible enough to hold yourself accountable and to complete the task all the way through to fruition.
But we will find out and we will hold accountable and bring to justice whoever is responsible.
President Obama supports responsible, accountable, and open government at home and around the world, but this reckless and dangerous action runs counter to that goal.
FORBES: Washington Scrambles To Limit Damage Wrought By WikiLeaks' Data Dump
We do not treat the relationship like a low-cost way to fix bugs, but instead make sure our contractors are every bit as innovative, motivated, responsible, accountable, and mature as our development teams in the United States.
And while there will be time to fully investigate what happened on that rig and hold responsible parties accountable, our focus now is on a fully coordinated, relentless response effort to stop the leak and prevent more damage to the Gulf.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on NYC Incident and BP Oil Spill in Louisiana | The White House
Those responsible must be held accountable and resign or be terminated for their actions.
We will continue to hold BP and all other responsible parties accountable.
And we will absolutely continue to hold BP and any other responsible parties accountable for financial losses borne by the people in the region.
WHITEHOUSE: A Full and Vigorous Accounting of the BP Oil Spill
The fairer and more responsible approach would be for hospitals to hold politicians accountable for making unsustainable promises to Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.
FORBES: Goal of the NYU-Continuum Hospital Mega-Merger: Raising Prices
All of these agencies and their leaders are responsible for implementing these reforms, and all will be held accountable if they don't.
And when we learn that a major bank has serious problems, we will hold accountable those responsible, force the necessary adjustments, provide the support to clean up their balance sheets, and assure the continuity of a strong, viable institution that can serve our people and our economy.
He said the United States and others will work with the Syrian people to find members of the military responsible for attacks and to hold them accountable.
Responsible lenders meet high standards and are fully accountable.
"The family has been trying to understand why their loving daughter would have taken her life at such a young age and to make sure that those responsible would be held accountable, " said family attorney Robert Allard.
And as I said yesterday, we take what the Prime Minister said yesterday -- we take seriously and hope that the government of Egypt takes seriously the words of the Prime Minister in saying that those responsible for the violence on Wednesday will and should be held accountable.
So the need to turn off the TV, put the video games away, buckle down on your work, making sure that parents are checking their kids' homework and talking to their teachers -- (applause) -- being accountable, being responsible -- that's what's going to make sure that we continue to thrive, we continue to excel into the future.
Owners responsible for conditions in the Upper Big Branch mine should be held accountable for decisions they made and preventive measures they failed to take.