With an unfounded accruedliability in the billions, the system members, the retirees and survivors and the taxpayers of Louisiana may be keenly interested in learning if any underperformance of the funds can be attributed to conflicts and collusion.
Because X Co. intends to pay the 2012 accrued bonus liability prior to March 15, 2013, the payments will not be treated as deferred compensation, and thus satisfy the economic performance test.
Another interesting financial problem with ROWE and overly reliant remote firms like Best Buy is the following: Generally they have a massive accrued corporate liability for unused vacation and other PTO benefits that simply never are recorded as a result of ROWE, these end up being large accrued liabilities to the company.
The state also uses a liability estimation method (the Projected Unit Credit method) that modestly understates accrued pension benefits, and amortizes its unfunded pension liabilities over a period slightly longer than the 30 years recommended by GASB.