The previous memorial was replaced due to damage from natural ageing and acid rain.
Despite some success, like acid rain and ozone protection, environmental issues continue to afflict us.
Strip mines, mountaintop removal, polluted watersheds, Black Lung, mercury poisoning, airborne lead and other toxic pollutants, and acid rain.
Amphibians can act as an early warning sign of pollution such as acid rain due to their porous, absorbent skin.
He told those gathered that the environmental movement was more than eliminating acid rain, cleaning rivers or saving the whales.
They cover a fairly wide range of issues, from acid rain and the ozone hole through cigarette smoking and global warming.
In the early 90s it seemed likely that Democrats could push through single-payer healthcare and a command-and-control solution to acid rain.
By 1986, the United Nations reported that 23% of all trees in Europe were moderately or severely damaged by acid rain.
Back then, the concern was sulfur dioxide, the culprit behind acid rain.
The limit is now set at about half of the amount of sulfur (the leading cause of acid rain) released in 1980.
Some of these will drop acid rain or meteors on unsuspecting hordes.
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In the early 1980s acid rain became the favourite cause of doom.
As president of the Environmental Defense Fund, Fred Krupp helped establish a market-based cap-and-trade system to limit acid rain pollution in the late 1980s.
It also emits the most carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, making it the world's No. 1 contributor to global warming as well as acid rain.
The goals going forward, the mayor continues, are not just to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also those tied to acid rain, soot and mercury.
The peak of her green interest was in the late 80s - a time of bubbling media coverage of acid rain, climate, waste and rainforest destruction.
The sulfur dioxide and soot thrown off results not only in a polluted atmosphere but also acid rain that falls on a third of China's cities.
Dealing with acidified oceans across the entire globe is considerably more complicated than dealing with acid rain in one region of one country on one continent.
Filters remove most of the pollutant that causes acid rain, and new technology soon to be put in place will remove most of the pollutant that causes smog.
America has had great success cutting sulphur-dioxide emissions, which are a precursor to acid rain, through a domestic trading scheme that may be a good model for any Kyoto-inspired carbon trading.
And that's -- that's, by the way, remember acid rain?
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The problem remains, though, that while the technology is able to cut carbon dioxide emissions, it may still increase another one: nitrogen oxide, tied to smog and acid rain.
Others, such as American Electric Power and Southern Company, have helped fund the legal battles to overturn current rules and regulations affecting mercury, soot, acid rain and greenhouse gases.
The country's regime for trading sulphur emissions has done much to reduce acid rain, achieving 100% compliance with the rules because firms' bosses risk lengthy prison-sentences if they violate them.
Sulfur dioxide produces fine particulate matter and acid rain.
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America has cut in half its sulphur emissions (the key component of acid rain, the global warming of its day) over the past ten years by imposing mandatory caps with tradable allocations.
Ferretti, vice president at the Chicago Climate Exchange, extolled emissions trading, noting that the practice had helped bring sulfur dioxide and acid rain under control much less expensively than traditional command-and-control regulation.
But that could encourage more output from Denmark's coal-fired plants, which are already blamed for spilling acid rain on Swedish forests, and perhaps also from nuclear plants in Russia and eastern Europe.
For although coal was under attack by environmentalists then, as now, for generating acid rain and other pollutants, Robertson knew it was going to be a key fuel for a long time to come.