Shultz recommends a 10% across-the-board cut in income taxes, thus strengthening purchasing power, increasing corporate profitability and encouraging investment.
All domestic agencies except for Veterans Affairs would then be subject to a 5 percent across-the-board cut while the Pentagon would bear an 8 percent cut.
With many companies understandably angry over the loss of their favored treatment, they could likely be placated by an across-the-board cut in corporate income tax rates.
Some of these ideas have been modest, but plans such as Bush's call for a sweeping across-the-board cut in income tax rates, a massive national missile defense effort and fundamental restructuring of Social Security and Medicare represent the sort of bold departures from which his father recoiled.
CNN: Bush the son uses policy campaign to distance himself from the father
Under the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme, branded-drug companies are allowed to make a profit of up to 21 per cent on any medicines they sell to the NHS. They have a free hand to set the prices when they are introduced but, every five years, the government and the companies agree an across-the-board cut on all drugs.
Allen told voters he would "trust the people" as he pushed for an across-the-board tax cut.
When 72 percent say the budget surplus should first be used to strengthen Social Security and Medicare, it's impossible to make a case for giving all the surplus away in a giant, unnecessary, unwanted, across-the-board tax cut.
Mr Bush may be willing to privatise Social Security by introducing individual retirement accounts (as The Economist would like) but he may well succumb instead to an across-the-board tax cut.
Republicans get their desired across-the-board tax cut extension, albeit for at least two years.
You may be calling for an across-the-board tax cut for the banking industry right now.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
Instead, Obama said funding for special needs children (one of Palin's causes) would suffer in an across-the-board budget cut.
It includes a 10% across-the-board budget cut to everything.
If Mitt Romney gets his way, marginal rates would fall sharply, courtesy of his proposed 20 percent across-the-board rates cut, although the rates may fall less than that depending on which deductions are removed or whether deductions are subject to new phaseouts as income rises.
FORBES: Marginal Tax Rates Matter More Than Average Tax Rates
When Reagan took office in 1981, he proposed a 10 percent across-the-board personal income tax cut each year for three years.
FORBES: What Good Are Republicans If They Can't Protect Us From Class Warfare?
Mike Lee, R-Utah, sought to amend the final package Monday with a provision to cut federal programs across the board by one-half of 1 percent through 2021 as a way to prevent the disaster aid from swelling the U.S. debt.
So if you assume a 20-percent cut across the board to a number of these programs, you do get to devastating cuts.
And they asked a basic question: What are the pros and cons of using a VAT to cut the deficit compared to an across-the-board hike in income tax rates.
FORBES: Deficit-Fix Cage Match: VAT Vs. Higher Income Tax Rates
The Senate on Monday rejected, 35-62, an attempt by conservatives to amend the final package with an offset provision to cut federal programs across the board by one-half of 1 percent through 2021.
On the tax side, Romney promises to extend the Bush-era tax cuts, then cut individual rates by 20 percent across the board, repeal the estate tax and the Alternative Minimum Tax, and repeal the tax hikes in the 2010 health law.
FORBES: A Disappointing Presidential Campaign Comes To An End
The unemployment her inflation-fighting policies were exacerbating meant it could not cut down on spending across the board.
"He has actually promised to cut budgets across the board - including cuts which could fall on our programmes which help the poorest keep warm, " he said.
Even with across-the-board cuts, agencies can surely find enough fat not to cut the things they really need.
FORBES: If Republicans Bend on the Sequester, They Don't Deserve Our Support
It could cut the tax rate on food and reduce proposed income-tax cuts to make up the revenue shortfall, or simply cut government spending across the board.