It opened a showpiece building called Cisco House across from the Olympic Park.
Harold Smith, a resident of the Amsterdam Houses, a public housing development across the street from Damrosch Park, said he simply wants the park returned to the people who live nearby, so children have a place to play.
WSJ: Fashion Week in Damrosch Park? Not Again, Advocates Say
In the small town near the depot, a massive flag in a park across from the local war memorial waved at half-staff.
She and Matilda live across the Park from the school, on West Eighty-sixth Street.
The press conference, held in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House, presented speakers including Constitutional law expert Andrew Cochran, Faith McDonnell of the Institute for Religion and Democracy, African democracy activist Khalid Gerais of Rescue Nubia, and a prepared statement from prominent Muslim American reformer Tawfik Hamid of the Islamic Society for Liberty and Modernity.
Lambuth testified before Congress earlier this year that she and other Northrop Grumman technicians feared for their jobs because of the problem and held secret meetings in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House to discuss their situation.
CNN: White House e-mail administrator says he never told Clinton about missing messages
The current line runs across the beach from the promenade handrail next to the leisure centre car park.
Sick hedgehogs and abandoned baby hedgehogs are brought into the park from across the region.
As it was, Bridge left Carnegie and made his way down Fifth Avenue from the awe-inspiring, sixty-four-room mansion across from Central Park at 91st Street to an even more imposing structure some twenty blocks south.
"Part of it is buying a dream of eventually owning one of the greatest pieces of real estate of New York, a mansion on Fifth Avenue directly across from one of the better parts of Central Park, " she said.
On West 57th Street across from Carnegie Hall, overlooking Central Park, the building is slated to open in 2013.
Earlier this year several hundred homeless temporary workers set up a tent village in Hibiya Park in central Tokyo, across from the labour ministry and a few blocks from the Imperial Palace.
But it becomes clear, in conversation with photographer Justin, that we have committed ourselves to a trip across the world to drive a car nobody has ever heard of, in a place miles from anywhere, across an inhospitable national park, on the basis of a website and several late-night emails.
South from Swakopmund across the gravel plains of the Namib Desert lies the dramatic Namib Naukluft Park.
You have brought together folks from all across Chicago to do great things for this city, like build Millennium Park, host the NATO Summit -- quite well, by the way -- make the lakefront the cultural jewel of the Midwest.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at Meeting to Address Youth Violence | The White House