It's what makes sports fun: You can passionately make a case about the brilliance of Magic, while the guy in the office across from you thinks Bird was the most clutch player who's ever graced the court.
When you sit down across from me, you learn that I have no use for leaders who will not act.
If you swipe across the display from the right edge, you're taken to the open applications view -- a grid of cards representing running apps.
If you listen to the rhetoric from demonstrations across the country, you will hear frustration and disbelief at the ease with which the bankers have been able to emerge almost unscathed.
After taking in the panoramic views of the Cascade Mountain range and downtown Portland, head back down via the Marquam Trail, following the 4T signs to the Portland Aerial tram, where futuristic pods offer a birds-eye view of the city while transporting you 3, 300ft in three minutes, depositing you at Southwest Waterfront Street directly across from the Portland Streetcar, which will take you back downtown.
Once inside an app, sliding your finger from any edge across the screen brings you back to whichever of the three views you started from.
Your biggest cost offenders may be sitting across the board room table from you.
"It's intimidating when you sit across from a prime minister, but they don't know the best course of action either, " says Yahoo Chief Operating Officer Jeffrey Mallett.
Early users of the close-range wireless technology already know it's useful for things like performing a HotSync operation from across a room--provided you have that PC outfitted for Bluetooth already--or printing documents from the handheld to a Bluetooth-ready printer.
If you are an active user of business-oriented social networking tools, you may often get requests directly from interested parties and customers who come across you online or at some event.
FORBES: What Do I Do With this Customer Lead From My Social Network?
And don't look to blame anyone else but yourselves, when you were given the chance and your own ignorance prevented you from reaching across the divide to talk.
This time around, Beeb listeners can now access the iPlayer radio app, which has made the leap across from iOS. Not only will you be able to install it on your Android smartphone, but also Amazon's Kindle Fire tablet series.
ENGADGET: BBC iPlayer radio app finally starts broadcasting on Android and Kindle devices (video)
But rather than me do all the talking, I want to make sure that some people who have struggled in the past with the health care system have an opportunity to tell their story, because basically the reason we did this was because of the stories I had heard from folks like you all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: The Affordable Care Act & The Patient��s Bill of Rights
As you walk across the plank that connects Brooklyn to lower Manhattan, you are transported from a world of electricity, hot water, and street life, to one that feels like a dark movie set.
FORBES: Dispatches From Post-Sandy New York: The Darkness of Lower Manhattan
Should any of you want to join along with Piccard and Borschberg as they fly across the country, you can hit the Solar Impulse Across America website to see a livestream from the cockpit, along with real-time altitude, air speed and battery status of the aircraft.
The drive takes you north from the city across the plain and through the Rawanduz Gorge before climbing into the Zagros along the British-built Hamilton Road, named after New Zealander, Archibald Hamilton.
As you look across this room tonight, you look at our military -- we draw strength from every part of our American family -- every color, every creed, every background, every belief.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Vice President Biden Honor Iraq Veterans | The White House
Cutting-edge simulation techniques will soon bridge even the visual divides, making you feel like you're sitting across the table from someone thousands of miles away.
So, across the board, what you'll hear from my opponent and from some of his allies in Congress is, we care deeply about education, but they don't put their money where their mouth is.
The sounds of cheering and "We love you" came from the onlookers corralled across the street.
There are spring-water showers across the road from the largest part of the beach so you can rinse off.
There are several waymarked caminos to Santiago across Spain - and indeed from all over Europe - allowing you to choose the path that most interests you.
You can also control the PC from across the room with a handheld remote control--and that comes in handy for things like playing music and movies.
To replicate all of your content across devices, including stuff you haven't bought from iTunes (like CDs you imported or bought elsewhere), iTunes Match will do the trick.
You have brought together folks from all across Chicago to do great things for this city, like build Millennium Park, host the NATO Summit -- quite well, by the way -- make the lakefront the cultural jewel of the Midwest.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at Meeting to Address Youth Violence | The White House
The program, which has gone from less than 500 users at the beginning of the year to 20, 000 per night, was created by a 17-year-old Russian, Andrey Ternovskiy, and lets you randomly video chat with people from across the globe.
FORBES: Burned by Buzz and Facebook, we're falling in love with anonymity all over again
The first-half was probably the worst 45 minutes you'll ever see from England right across the board.
Ask for feedback from trusted colleagues about the way you are coming across.
FORBES: Revisiting the Double-Bind Dilemma: You Are Actually Doomed If You Don't
From the outskirts of Laroque, you can look across the vineyards to Canigou, the 9, 000-foot (2, 700m) mountain peak that holds special significance for Catalans.
You can keep across the action on Saturday Sport from 1400 BST on BBC Radio Norfolk online and on 95.1FM, 95.6FM, 104.4FM, 855MW, 873MW and DAB.