Across the street from the dilapidated Michigan Central Station is Slows Bar BQ.
The main thing keeping the GM dealer honest is that across the street is a Ford dealer.
Caffe Strada, on Bancroft Avenue, across the street from campus, is alive and well.
It has a visual and physical power that pulls you across the street to see more.
There was nothing here except this place here, and it was across the street.
While on the run, Claire rented a house across the street from an electronics shop.
Customers of gasoline stations will go across the street to save a penny a gallon.
So for now, if you want a bag of Twizzlers, the drugstore is across the street.
The key maker works at a hardware store across the street from the gym.
There's a beautiful (royal) park and playground across the street and good crepes 50 meters west.
He picked up some stones, and took aim at the stop sign across the street.
The sounds of cheering and "We love you" came from the onlookers corralled across the street.
"I did the job and went back to my bullpen across the street afterwards, " says Berrard.
He ran across the street as though he thought he glowed in the dark.
Two years after going commercial Gupta moved into a much larger, 5, 000-square-foot space across the street.
Across the street, the Target Center was the locale of an American Idol concert.
Across the street, Noel Davis, 50, says business is down at his jewelry store.
The tourists who used to come over from the fancy hotels across the street are gone.
Mr. Ntaganda was staying across the street, according to people familiar with the events.
The best (and most expensive) rooms look out to the beach across the street.
Richmond attorney Tom Lisk grew up across the street from LaPierre in Roanoke, Va.
But first we see him walking across the street from the Plaza Hotel.
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How Zan, a 38-year-old architect who works across the street from the gas station, said good riddance.
Someone is in need of emergency medical assistance at the Chevron gas station across the street.
Both had appeared when we returned from a visit to the Stedelijk Museum just across the street.
Regis Hotel, directly across the street from the Moscone Center, where Oracle is holding its giant conference.
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Cameras hidden across the street were covering the scenes that were then uploaded for live viewing globally.
He was directly across the street from us now, moving cautiously to avoid stretches of unshovelled snow.
Majid Yahyai said he and the employee took the items across the street to a police station.
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After the first surge across the street, figures inside the bar were leading chants, 'come on England'.