The story of how Saatchi lost the plot in the late 1980s and early '90s is itself a case study in being led astray by still trying to act a part in a play that ended a while back, but what's equally interesting is how the company was able to rethink its plot, as Saatchi's chief executive, Kevin Roberts, has noted in his blog.
The law under which Mr Karadzic has been sued is known as the Alien Tort Claims Act, originally a part of the Judiciary Act of 1789.
Oliver King, defending, said it had not been a gratuitous act of violence or part of a pattern of abuse going on for many months.
And one of the things that everyone, even the critics, now acknowledge is that the Recovery Act played a significant part in the growth of the GDP.
Anthony Collins Solicitors said the family had submitted a claim against the local authority, alleging it owed a duty of care to the children and that "the negligence of Birmingham City Council's social services and its refusal to act played a key part in the longevity of the abuse".
In a recent case, a majority of the Justices applied a provision of the Voting Rights Act to reject part of a Texas redistricting plan that was found to hurt Hispanic voters.
The change to the Coroners Act is part of a series of reforms.
Of course, even when we act as part of a coalition, the risks of any military action will be high.
Despite what some have claimed, the cost of the Recovery Act is only a very small part of our current budget imbalance.
When I was vice president with the Packers, a big part of what I did was act as a fulcrum point between the football side and the management side of the organization.
"We want them to be a part of the act of healing, " he said.
When the United States acts in the world, we do not act by ourselves, but as a part of a community of states.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Transforming the United States Global Defense Post
The donation of the archive to the Library of Congress may have been in part a symbolic act, a recognition of the cultural significance of Twitter.
FORBES: The Library of Congress' Twitter Archive, One Year Later
These actions on Brilliant Pebbles are the more remarkable for their inconsistency with the 1991 Missile Defense Act, a legislative initiative authored in part by then-Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Aspin.
Mr Montebourg's promise of a golden tomorrow, which he makes with aplomb as part of a makeshift stand-up act in the street, is proving more seductive.
The DRC is also pressing for a new equality act to put all discrimination law on an equal footing as part of a "quantum leap" in anti-prejudice measures.
The Post Office, for its part, would act as a safety net, offering banking to the far-flung and financially excluded.
ECONOMIST: Two views on new banking rules are better than one
Mr. JARRETT: Anything I'm doing on stage that looks like it's part of a circus act is something I would rather not do.
So the measures that were passed as a part of the Recovery Act for the foreseeable future are left intact for those that need help.
They were among the lucky few who ventured to go to trial, who could afford top-notch defense counsel, and whose trial was presided over by a judge who did not act like part of the prosecution team.
Mr Houston said that was part of a delicate balancing act facing the Borders.
So that's why a big part of the Recovery Act has been about investing in that future.
But the package grew as part of a 2004 jobs act during the George W. Bush administration and has since swollen.
It also demonstrates why the habit of telling the same story becomes a major part of how we act and view our life.
FORBES: The Republican Party Has A Brand Problem, And We Have The Evidence To Prove It
The condition for being part of such a successful act is that the girls must not date boys, so as not to shatter their fans' illusions.
Lord Boyd said the local authority accepted the evidence that she slipped on Vaseline and that in all probability it got there because of an act by sixth year students as part of a prank.
The mandate of the European Union taskforce - of which the Northumberland is part - is to act as a deterrent and try and stop acts of piracy in process or about to take place.
His props, including old Buicks and Oldsmobiles he took to buyers' houses ("I drove the paint off three of those bastards"), were all part of the bargaining act, a sort of collector's duck blind behind which he hid.
Blanket criminal records checks are not "compatible" with a key part of the Human Rights Act, the Court of Appeal has concluded.