Blatant discrimination in the shape of the Defence of Marriage Act enshrines in law that marriage is between a man and a woman.
Since the Social Security Act became law in 1935, hundreds of amendments have added to the complexity.
President Bill Clinton signed the act into law in 1996, but said earlier this month that he now believes it is unconstitutional and should be overturned.
Seventy-eight years ago, on April 7, 1933, the Cullen-Harrison Act became law in the United States, making it legal to manufacture and sell alcohol for the first time in 14 years.
In 1986, The Electronic Communications Privacy Act updated federal wiretapping law in an effort to protect the Fourth Amendment rights of cell phone users.
The proposal was fleshed out in a white paper - Policing in the 21st Century - and enacted in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act, which became law in 2011.
The RESTORE Act, which was signed into law as part of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (Public Law 112-141), established a mechanism for providing funding to the Gulf region to restore ecosystems and rebuild local economies damaged by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.
WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order -- Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration
The same bill could then be re-introduced in the Commons in 2013 and, under the terms of the Parliament Act, would become law in the form it left the Commons, once the Lords amended or rejected it.
And while there is a right to privacy in Britain under the human rights act, the law is much stricter in France.
The Budget Control Act, signed in to law in August 2011, was meant to end the nation's debt crisis and force lawmakers to come up with a measured approach to reduce the deficit.
After spending much of last year in denial about the meaning of the Budget Control Act that the president signed into law in August, the defense industry is waking up to a harsh reality.
The applicable criminal law in federal law is the Computer Abuse Act of 1984, which has been amended several times over the years, said Reed Freeman, another e-commerce lawyer at Arent Fox.
Critics contend that the Patriot Act was rushed into law in a moment of panic.
Second, I would not act in ways that contravened the law, because again, I believe that law should be upheld, and one shouldn't break it.
The whole controversy arises from the Hatch-Waxman Act, a 1984 law in which Congress cleverly shoved the question of whether generics could compete with entrenched patentholders in front of the courts.
FORBES: Cipro "Pay-To-Delay" Case Is Ideal Supreme Court Fodder
The JOBS Act, which became law in April, was designed to cut red tape and reduce the burdens of financial disclosure for small companies seeking to raise capital in the stock and bond markets.
The trial is the first conducted under the Military Commissions Act, a law passed in 2006 after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against an earlier Bush administration plan for trying Guantanamo Bay detainees under military rules.
While the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act was signed into law in the United States in 2008, the protection it will provide against discrimination by employers and health insurance companies for employment and coverage issues has not been clearly established.
In his memoirs, former Prime Minister Tony Blair was particularly outspoken about the Freedom of Information Act, a law introduced when he was in Downing Street.
In 2001, Mr. Spitzer used the Martin Act, an aggressive New York state law created in 1921, to shed light on Wall Street's research practices.
R. 4853, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010, into law in December 2010.
"It's difficult for consumers to act in their own interest if the law doesn't meet their basic expectations, " Mr. Strickling said.
WSJ: Obama Administration Seeks Internet Privacy Protections, New Policy Office
The America Invents Act, signed into law in September, will transition the patent application process from the first-to-invent system, to the new first-to-file system.
Gensler was also an instrumental player in the Sarbanes-Oxley act, and remember what a great job that law did in preventing financial strife?
FORBES: CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler Pulls A Captain Renault Over InTrade
Now keep in mind, this was 34 years after the Equal Pay Act was signed by President Kennedy in 1963, a law designed to abolish wage disparity based on gender.
We now have the Civil Rights Act, and in 2009, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, signed into law by President Obama, against pay discrimination.
WHITEHOUSE: The AAPI Experience from One Older Woman's Perspective
This means that by law, they must act in the best interest of their customers.
FORBES: A Beverly Hills Broker Shot J.R.'s Retirement Portfolio
The analog-to-digital switch was actually mandated by an act of Congress in 2005 and signed into law early last year.