You can act like what people are doing now, which is saving more, paying down debt.
"To bury our head in the sand and act like Twitter (and who knows what else comes into existence next month or five years from now?) isn't increasingly becoming the source of what informs people in real-time is ridiculous, " he wrote.
The young Polish director Jolanta Dylewska has fashioned some of this archival footage into what feels like a concentrated act of mourning: as figures move through the streets or walk toward the trains that will transport them to the camps, portions of the frame are blown up so that individual faces can be scrutinized, and the film slows, often to a dead stop.
If you're screaming, it's probably because your kids act like they don't hear your or ignore what they've heard.
What does your staff look and act like?
FORBES: Don't Skimp on Creative Quality - It Affects the Price You Can Charge
"It certainly doesn't help a police department that has a history of what looks like brutality, and then they act in a way that looks rash and unthinking on TV, " North added.
This isn't to take anything away from Blunk or the other two heroes, but to illustrate that, in spite of shortcomings, men can still recognize what it means to be a good man and act like one.
What if they were given a mobile app that would act like their personal stylist?
FORBES: Dream Big, Start Small: NYU Startups Disrupt Big Industries
Social processes act like a moral fog that envelops all the characters and lets them choose what to do in certain situations.
So, what would it look like if the Republicans suddenly got their act together?
FORBES: Democrats Want To Raise Debt Ceiling? GOP Should Demand Growth Initiatives
There they point out that prices are the language of the economy, and stable money made stable by gold is what has allowed the wealth-enhancing act that is trade to flourish like never before.
FORBES: Book Review: Ayn Rand's "Free Market Revolution" by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins
What if the successful business women does not look or act at all like a man but those in power cannot see it exactly because it does not look like it does not look masculine enough.
What we are saying is the House, like the Senate, should act in a bipartisan way and pass a bill.
And if those debating things like the Climate Change Act cannot even calculate the probability of two heads in a row what are they going to manage with more complex problems?
The Wason test suggests that analysing social contracts and analysing risk are what evolutionary psychologists call cognitive modules bundles of mental adaptations that act like bodily organs in that they are specialised to a particular job.
What the Germans really want to know is whether the Greeks and Italians can act like Germans.
What has been noticeable this week is the precious yellow metal has begun to act more like a safe-haven asset and less like a risk asset.
What's positively charming about SmartDisk's solutions is that they look and act just like the old-fashioned objects that flash memory cards may someday replace.
The truth is that they are just like everyone else: kids who don't understand what has happened to them and who act big and tough when in fact all they want is to burst into tears.
Panic in one big market leads other traders to act like a scared herd of gazelles, running frantically for fear of a lion even if they have no idea what or where the danger is.
It guarantees rolling back what is left to be spent in the Recovery Act will stop important projects dead in their tracks, like clean energy projects.
When you ask folks about what was actually in the Recovery Act, they think it's full of good ideas -- like tax cuts, like infrastructure investment, like unemployment relief.
Although they may have made what now looks like a bad deal, it did not entitle them to termination under the Copyright Act because that bad deal was made with the knowledge and power of the termination right as it stood in 1992.