On the positive side, the FINA action in the Australia case is worth emulating: suspending coaches may be a sensible alternative to penalizing youngsters who often have more ambition than sense.
However, it must be recognised that on previous occasions when military action was taken on the basis of a reasonably arguable case, the degree of public and Parliamentary scrutiny of the legal issue was nothing as great as it is today.
Christianity Today, the magazine of Billy Graham's evangelical movement, has just run an editorial arguing the moral case for action on climate change.
The plaintiff, Dmitriy Shirokov, is seeking to make the case a class action on behalf of 4, 577 people who, like Shirokov, received threatening letters for having allegedly downloaded copies of Far Cry, an action-adventure movie originally released in Canada in the summer of 2007 and in the U.S. in December 2008.
Partners at Bernstein Litowitz, a big New York class action firm, spent less than 20 hours on the case, according to court reports.
The lead plaintiff in a politically tinged securities lawsuit against Halliburton has taken the unusual step of asking the court to replace class-action king William Lerach with equally famous litigator David Boies as lead attorney on the case.
The Attorney General said files on the case would be passed to the prison authorities to establish if they merited internal disciplinary action.
In that case the court rejected a class action on behalf of millions of female Wal-Mart employees, saying the differences among them made it impossible for a single jury to decide whether Wal-Mart had discriminated against women.
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Two years after the bill was signed into law, lawyers and judicial experts are taking stock of the legislation, particularly as the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals recently weighed in on the Wal-Mart sex discrimination class-action case, ruling that several current and former employees can represent all women taking action against the company.
When the case closed without further action, Armstrong issued a statement on his website.
Early October will also see the bench hear arguments in a major case on affirmative action in public universities.
So if two lower courts have already ruled in favor of Motorola and Scientific-Atlanta, if a 1994 precedent seems to weigh in favor of those companies, and if the Roberts court has already shown a willingness to be pro-business on class-action issues, why did the justices even agree to hear the case?
They develop a keen sensitivity to marketplace changes, either imposed on them by competition or via government action (or inaction, as is often the case), and they respond with moves that will better position their company.
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Business has less riding on this case than it did before 2005, when Congress passed the Class Action Fairness Act making it much easier to pull class actions out of state court into the federal system.
FORBES: Class-Action Foes Have Trifecta Before Supreme Court
Holder said a potential scenario might involve a president ordering such action "to protect the homeland" in a case like the 2001 al Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington or the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941.
Class-action certification also would significantly increase the potential damages and put additional pressure on the NCAA to settle the case.
But Dr Brunton's results suggest that when predators have more dimensions of action than prey as is the case when they are flying and the prey are on the ground, the reverse is true.
And in case you missed the latest robotic resident arriving on Mars you can watch the action replay and view the very first pictures beamed back from the surface of the Red Planet on Nasa's Mars Science Laboratory mission homepage.
On June 20, a federal judge in California will consider whether to grant the case class-action status, which would then enable it to include many thousands of current and former NCAA athletes.
Mabus plans to let the outgoing commandant make his case to Gates for keeping the program on track, and then recommend a different course of action to Gates in a separate meeting.