American officials suggest it should also include facilities for humanitarian civic action projects in the region, including American army engineering projects to build roads, schools and the like.
The Forum is expected to lead to specific and tangible recommendations and, this year, to youth-led action projects that will allow their implementation in 2014-2015, leading up to the next UNESCO Youth Forum.
This manual will be used in LIFE countries to implement (cross-regional) action-research projects in the field of adult literacy.
Key to driving forward the delivery of MDGs in BiH will be two funding windows, one supporting the implementation of Local Environmental Action Plan priority projects at local level, and a second providing assistance for innovative proposals that link environmental management and poverty reduction, and provide lessons to inform further policy development at national level.
Lisa Hendey relies on Getting Things Done principles, such as breaking projects into action steps, to stay on top of her duties as an author, speaker, editor and founder of a website,
The outcomes of this Power Shift Pacific: Looking Beyond Disaster Youth Forum, will include the development of action plans and youth projects to be implemented in different communities, as well as the development of a Pacific youth volunteer network enabling an exchange of information between Pacific Island youth living abroad and their island communities.
UNESCO: Pacific and M��ori Youth Converge to Talk Disaster Resilience.
There are now 60 other projects already in action, and nearly 700 others considering getting involved.
The two other stop-and-frisk-related cases in front of Judge Scheindlin are a lawsuit over trespassing in public housing projects and a class-action suit challenging the constitutionality of the broader stop-and-frisk practice, which is slated to go to trial in March.
He also will urge Congress to take longer-term action when it comes to funding infrastructure projects around the country, putting -- keeping construction workers on the job, helping rebuild our infrastructure and, again, further solidify the foundation for our economic future.
Nomura Securities economist Zhiwei Zhang said to expect policy measures similar to those used in 2008 (consumer good subsidies, infrastructure projects) as well as further action on public housing.
While stating that it is their statutory obligation to break even, Mr Goodall explained that on a local basis, the NHS had taken decisions to close some services on an interim and even permanent basis, but that community projects were able to benefit from this action.
Rohatyn's call for action is to create a National Infrastructure Bank that would finance projects using capital from the public as well as private and international funds.
As those projects mature, new players have begun to pursue pieces of the action.
Cautious brand managers are sometimes reluctant to have a live-action TV show on the air when producing live-action films such as Warner Bros. putting the kibosh on any Batman TV projects while making Christopher Nolan's trilogy.
Within this context, UNESCO has assisted the GEF in the formulation of a conceptual framework for strategic action on groundwater and transboundary aquifers, and in the establishment of a portfolio of groundwater projects addressing key global resources and issues.
The researchers at Boston College fought the PSNI action, arguing that surrendering the transcripts would put lives at risk and compromise future oral history projects as a confidentiality agreement had been broken.
Civic awareness and empowerment: readers have used some of the articles published in the newspaper to demand action and greater information from state officials regarding the implementation (or none-thereof) of developmental projects, the provision of basic social amenities, official strategies of fighting cases of gender-based violence (and violence in general), bureaucratic negligence, and official apathy.
This report would determine a list of critical future projects derived from more general programs so as to extract priorities from them for future course of action.
The alliance will aim at establishing common strategic approaches and projects to implement library-related parts of the Declaration of Principles and the Geneva Plan of Action adopted by WSIS in Geneva in 2003 and endorsed in Tunis in 2005.
Over the weekend, the Reserve Bank of India was forced to take action yet again to spur lending, after companies complained that banks weren't putting up any money for their projects.
Ideally, says a report prepared for an upcoming meeting on charities and terrorism under the auspices of the Financial Action Task Force, the world's main anti-money-laundering body, charities should document employees, projects and possible donors, as well as running field audits to ensure that money has not gone astray.