For example, in the Operations column, the action steps focus on safety and on-time performance.
What bridges the function with the goal is a set of 8 to 10 defined action steps.
We then used multiple sources of data to accurately diagnose issues, develop SMART goals, and determine action steps.
Through a cocktail of video, social media, and concrete action steps, millions of people can be brought together as one to express outrage and demand that their governments act.
FORBES: Invisible Children's Real Achievement: There May Never Be Another Rwanda.
Additionally, he tasked the Departments of Defense and State and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission with developing reports providing recommendations and action steps to support implementation of the Strategy.
WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward to Implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy | The White House
She says its all part of her healthy outlook on life, and she now teaches others the tools, action steps and secrets on to how to achieve your dream life.
FORBES: Are You Living the Life of Your Dreams? An Interview with Author Marilyn Tam
When situations change, amend the action steps, if necessary.
The fellows, having spent two weeks in New York City visiting mosques and synagogues amid discussions of business plans and Middle East politics, departed with tangible action steps to improve their organizations' sustainability.
Lisa Hendey relies on Getting Things Done principles, such as breaking projects into action steps, to stay on top of her duties as an author, speaker, editor and founder of a website,
At that time, he also released a Federal Implementation Plan identifying specific action steps for 2010 and 2011 and a Presidential memorandum to ensure ongoing actions are taken to fully implement the Strategy.
WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward to Implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy | The White House
This was the product of a robust dialogue with the HIV community and other members of the public and identifies a small set of priority action steps for moving the Nation forward in responding to the domestic HIV epidemic.
Deborah L. Jacobs, IRS Extends Key Deadline For 2010 Heirs (giving practical, action-steps).
FORBES: Kinder, Gentler IRS Provides Deadline Relief For 2010 Heirs
Then, put those metrics into action by taking specific steps to either improve your position or take advantage of your market leadership.
FORBES: Are You Paying the Right Price for Employee Loyalty?
So we've been able to take some steps through administrative action.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Gun Violence
After meeting Italian leaders Thursday, Sharon told The Associated Press that his security Cabinet had approved a plan of action with a number of steps.
Mr. KOFI ANNAN (Secretary General, United Nations): The time has come for us to really be action-oriented and concrete steps that can be taken to help the protagonists and the civilians who are caught in the middle.
The way to break this in action is with small, smart steps that are limited by Acceptable Loss.
As John said, counterterrorism officials at all levels of our government quickly went into action in order to take the steps necessary to protect the American people.
The steps that require legislative action are likely to bump up against the often-visceral opposition of lawmakers from conservative districts -- and some of their more outspoken constituents.
CNN: Obama-backed gun bills considered a long shot in Congress
Building on the energy and enthusiasm from our initial meeting in September, and the Principals meeting in November, the deputies reviewed the final elements of the governance structure and the next steps to produce the action plans.
WHITEHOUSE: Deputies Building on Great Momentum for Our Oceans
After that comes a removal notice sent to the web host and legal action, but this trial involved only steps one and two.
Now, you know, slowly over the past few weeks, Musharraf has taken several steps to placate critics of his action.
We sent our Chinese client a memorandum explaining our proposed course of action and we took a few of the initial steps.
Now, there are steps that we can take absent congressional action.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Press Conference on the G20 Summit
Placing women into combat roles has long been a controversial issue, but the top military brass are taking steps to place women closer to the action.
Make sure there are clear, concise calls to action throughout the site to help users to take next steps.
FORBES: If You Do Nothing Else... A Minimalist's Guide to Business Planning for 2012, Part 2
He has decided for the moment not to take firmer regulatory action against them, but states he will take further steps if the changes they introduce do not result in satisfactory results.
And we are continuing to move forward on steps like a small business lending facility that action was taken in the Senate today to move that proposal forward, on how we can continue to make progress in our economy.
While the Soviet Union may have receded for the moment from these demands by settling for a more ambiguous formulation of the resolution and an affirmation that political and diplomatic measures would receive maximum use, the principal Soviet objective seems to have been served: to delay U.S. action and to increase the pressure against unilateral American military steps.