The active area of the display is only 0.8 high, hardly enough for any kind of detailed plot.
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Our biggest, strongest, most active area has always been digital.
So if, for instance, you turn your wrist over, the active area of your display would move with your wrist and position the visible area of the display on your inside wrist.
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To have an active cull area in the Forest of Dean I think can only do damage to its reputation.
The data also suggests that quality of broadband plays at least some role in how active an area is with piracy.
They include the Chandeleur Islands and Gulf Islands National Seashore areas in Louisiana and Mississippi, along with the Active Delta area in Louisiana, which includes Delta Island National Wildlife Refuge and the Pass-a-Loutre Wildlife Management Area.
These claims are accompanied by the statistics from one area or another and of course a significant drop in heart attacks just as the smoking ban becomes active in that area.
Friends could help because it was quick and flexible, and active in the area.
One of the companies most active in this area is UK-based Oxford Catalysts Group.
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Neal Shoemaker, the energetic president of the Harlem Heritage Tours and Cultural Center, says that some of the most famous African American activists calling for civil rights in the mid-1950s and 1960s were active in the area.
So-called second-tier stocks, which include fast-growing regional oil company Bashneft , cosmetics-maker Kalina and popular-retailer Sedmoi Kontinent , have become an area of active trading for domestic investors.
Battery efficiency, lifespan and even safety could be vastly improved, the researchers believe, by increasing the surface area of the active materials that make up the battery electrodes.
Andrew Tempest Mitchell, of the West Yorkshire Police Federation, previously said he was "worried from a West Yorkshire perspective that we don't have an active unit within the policing area, which is quite large".
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Ryan Feit has been active in the tri-state area and raised capital to grow well.
The charges centre around alleged corrupt relationships with a number of active criminals operating in the Southampton area.
I'm thinking the area might be quite active and that's not my thing.
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Built in 1930, it was the city's only pre-World War II theatre in an urban area and enjoyed an active heyday of screenings, performances and events.
An additional opportunity for those who are active is the Contributor of the Week area.
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The networks and network security sectors, the latter an area where Juniper is very active, have seen their share of recent consolidation activity.
Together with our colleagues of the INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) focus area group on palaeoseismology and active tectonics, IGCP 567 started a new tradition of joint field workshops.
UNESCO: Tales set in Stone: learning from ancient earthquakes
Construction in that area has reduced the number of active train tracks from four to two over a seven-mile stretch there since March 2012.
Groupon founders have been active in tapping into local capital pools for area startups and even spearheaded Chicago Ideas Week, an annual meeting of global thought leaders.
Frequently, though, active management is needed to extract value from a conservation area.
When you start something new, a large number of neurons in the frontal cortex (the higher, more conscious command area of the brain) are recruited and become active, helping you in the learning process.
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Biking through the Italian countryside, riding the winding roads of Napa Valley hitting the road on two wheels is one of the best and most leisurely ways to see an area, with the added cardio benefit of an active vacation.
Mr Ferguson wants to roll out the scheme, which is currently active in three areas, to much of the city and believes any area opting out would suffer with an influx of people looking for somewhere to park.
He is an acknowledged expert in the area of federal infrastructure budgeting and finance, having had an active role in the financing of each of the last three comprehensive surface transportation reauthorization bills dating back to the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991.
First, Wernicke's area, the part responsible for understanding individual words, was more active in autists than non-autists.