The US Air Force lists an "active force" of 217 of the aircraft.
With an active force of 7600 Slovenia is a nonfactor in Europe, and even more so in the global balance.
Tonight, with a healthy, growing economy, with more Americans going back to work, with our nation an active force for good in the world -- the state of our union is confident and strong.
About 70, 000 foreign-born men and women serve in the U.S. armed forces, or about 5 percent of the total active-duty force, according to the Pentagon.
CNN: Commentary: Risk, rewards in military duty for illegal aliens
Nearly three-quarters of them are active in the labor force, estimates show.
Most of the 6, 500 active-duty Air Force personnel in the state are stationed at Wright-Patterson, and many have adult dependents living with them.
FORBES: Military Interests May Sway Vote In Ohio, A Key State For Republicans
This (albeit much smaller) force is most active in Oaxaca, next to Chiapas, and in Guerrero, which has more insurgent groups than any other state.
John Noonan, an active duty member of the Air Force who co-edits the blog OPFOR, also attended the milbloggers event.
The Air Force would make do with 16 active and 12 reserve tactical fighter wings versus a Cold War structure of 24 active and 12 reserve fighter wings.
For instance, the Defense Business Board found last year that 40 percent of the 1.4 million active-duty military personnel in the joint force had never deployed for combat, and an additional 30 percent had only deployed once.
FORBES: Pentagon Should Cut Bloated Head Count, Not Weapons Programs
Second, we should distinguish between high-powered careers that really are incompatible with active involvement in family life and those that force people to choose between work and family only because of misguided employment requirements and inadequate work-family policies.
Another suggestion: Require that companies over a certain size offer LTC insurance and force workers to buy unless they make an active choice to reject insurance.
FORBES: Policy Experts Agree: The U.S. System for Financing Long-Term Care is Crumbling
It could also be used with a camera-based position detection system as shown above, meaning your finger's location and force could be calculated on a non-active surface like an ordinary table.
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For decades they used their bargaining power to force down the fees they paid to conventional, active fund managers.
According to Ron Borsch's study for the Force Science Research Center at Minnesota State University-Mankato, active shooters are different from the gangsters and other street toughs whom a police officer might engage in a gunfight.
There has been no active draft since 1973, when the military converted to an all-volunteer force.
This happens when there are relatively few children (because of the fall in fertility), relatively few older people (because of higher mortality previously), and lots of economically active adults, including, often, many women, who enter the labour force in large numbers for the first time.
The program will be expanded next year with the Air Force, Army and Navy combining funds for two courses to certify 60 active-duty physicians as medical acupuncturists.
The Air Force announced earlier this week that it is grounding a third of its active-duty fleet through September 30 due to a shortfall in funding driven by the need to bring spending into compliance with the deficit law.
FORBES: Pentagon Budget Request Sticks With Obama Priorities, Ignores Deficit Law
And this year -- the first time in the history of the all-volunteer force -- the Navy and every component of every branch of the military, active, Guard and Reserve, met or exceeded their recruiting and retention goals.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Servicemen and Women in Jacksonville, FL | The White House