Here in the States, everybody scrambles Adam Smith-like in search of his own pot of gold.
Within hours, Adam Smith and Rengan Rajaratnam had removed evidence from the Galleon offices.
It may not be long before the fickle Mr Sarkozy is re-reading his Adam Smith.
Adam Smith said you should not trust anyone who professes to trade for the public good.
As my boss at the Adam Smith Institute in London, Madsen Pirie, is wont to say.
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The insider-trading type was someone like Adam Smith, the Galleon portfolio manager from Harvard.
To paraphrase Adam Smith, the sole purpose of money is to facilitate the exchange of goods.
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They were talking about free trade and breaking monopolies a hundred years before Adam Smith.
They were talking about free trade and breaking monopolies 100 years before Adam Smith.
International trade enhances, in the words of Adam Smith, author of the Wealth of Nations.
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As Adam Smith, the man who gave us the concept of the invisible hand, wrote.
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The basic point was well explained by Adam Smith those couple of centuries ago.
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Adam Smith is long considered the first philosopher to mention the invisible hand of the market.
The invisible hand of Adam Smith is advocated by the visible hand of Mr Singh.
Adam Smith made the same point about poverty: no one actually needs a linen shirt.
One, discussed at length by Mr Bronk, comes from an alliance of utilitarianism and Adam Smith.
Yet fittingly, in the birthplace of Adam Smith economic arguments seem to weigh heaviest.
This was, in fact, David Hume's argument, representing a disagreement with his friend, Adam Smith.
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For as Adam Smith pointed out those centuries ago, all jobs should pay the same amount.
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Such pervasive mercantilism is as economically illiterate now as it was in Adam Smith's day.
Just acknowledge that Adam Smith was probably right: An exchange of goods at low prices benefits everyone.
Before Adam Smith (1723-1790), most people seemed to believe government was necessary to make an economy work.
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In Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith proposed the written word as one of the three great human inventions.
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Sir John Sinclair reported to Adam Smith that the British army had been defeated by the American rebels.
When Adam Smith argued that human beings are essentially selfish he was not wrong but only half right.
Adam Smith, who had initially avoided arrest, started his own operation, managing the money of a Galleon investor.
Adam Smith's version of capitalism was not what led to the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression.
With the ever-adaptable Adam Smith as his ally, Mr O'Hara is sceptical that the change-resistant definition is meaningful.
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As Adam Smith pointed out, the bigger the market, the greater the scope for the division of labour.
Adam Smith-like perceptiveness combined with a wicked wit makes for delightful, insightful reading.