He's a highly-competitive person as we all know and he was adamant he wouldn't miss this one.
But the Welsh Government are adamant that they won't accept any substantial tax varying powers without reform of Barnett.
Pakistani officials are adamant that they weren't hiding Mr. bin Laden, and they acknowledge being embarrassed by the raid.
Carriers will resell the data in healthy doses of 1GB or larger, and Avanti is adamant that there won't be any nasty throttling surprises waiting in store.
ENGADGET: Avanti launches prepaid, Ka-band satellite internet access, wants us Yelping from the Alps
She was quite adamant that she didn't like sweet wine.
WSJ: Demystifying German Riesling White Wines | On Wine by Lettie Teague
The outspoken Venter was adamant he "didn't do much wrong" after he became frustrated with his restricted view of the action at Welford Road following Sarries' 32-23 away defeat against Leicester on 8 May.
But Berlin has so far been adamant that it won't agree to increase the size of Greece's loan package, meaning that higher Greek public spending in the near term would need to be offset by deeper cuts later.
Sure, there will be some evangelicals who will be so adamant that they won't support Giuliani, but the vast majority likely will fall in line because of what Robertson said -- that the candidate has assured the American people his choices for judicial appointments will be men and women who share the judicial philosophy of Chief Justice John Roberts.
CNN: Commentary: Will evangelicals choose Giuliani over faith?
Mayor Michael Mr. Bloomberg was adamant Tuesday that glitches in the dispatch system didn't leave New Yorkers in the lurch.
The speaker is adamant on two points: First, Republicans won't be agreeing to any more tax increases during the next two years.
The mega-corp has been adamant about undercutting big box retailers, and while you aren't likely to walk into a Wally World electronics section and find the clean, uncluttered, and well-stocked shelves that a next door neighbor may have, you're likely to stomach the environment for a few minutes in order to save a few Benjamins.
ENGADGET: Wal-Mart's HDTV pricing puts competition in a world of hurt
Piech is adamant that Porsche, per se, is not behind Riversimple, but doesn't rule out it getting involved in the future.