The species that have persevered, scientists say, are adaptable to sporadic changes in rainfall.
Her research at the University of Stirling looks at how people can make their homes more adaptable.
Technology alone forces us to be adaptable and learn new things on nearly a daily basis.
That's the modern mom aesthetic, Pope said: Find flattering clothing that's adaptable to your lifestyle.
The difficulties of operating in an emerging market may make managers adaptable and resilient.
We must be flexible, adaptable and must be able to think like a hacker.
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Margins would go up and developers would become more nimble and adaptable to changing market trends.
Young men initially proved less adaptable, killing themselves in ever increasing numbers from the 1970s onwards.
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So if you want visually spectacular flood control barriers, it helps to have flexible, adaptable technological systems.
This adaptable spice, both sweet and savory, is the second most expensive in the world, after saffron.
After a stirring early start, Tebow and the Broncos fell to earth against the resilient, adaptable Patriots.
Machinery and computer systems can be designed to be more adaptable to new products and new markets.
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His blokeish exterior belies a shrewd and adaptable politician who is on the left of his party.
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The framework of the app side of the Fitbit Flex also seems very adaptable to customized user goals.
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With the ever-adaptable Adam Smith as his ally, Mr O'Hara is sceptical that the change-resistant definition is meaningful.
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It was the easiest solution, and created a practical, flexible and adaptable peasants' language in about 150 years.
There's so much in here that's adaptable to what you might have, or what you might enjoy eating afterwards.
Researchers at the University of Dundee believe they discovered a technique to make copper even more adaptable and efficient.
Better, smarter, more adaptable and cheaper education will soon be available to all.
But if agile is good at making families more adaptable, what about the flip side: teaching children core values?
The new lens kit includes a replacement lens cover, as well as adaptable rings for standard 37mm lens filters.
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The administration proposes a "recalibration" of American capabilities in pursuit of a more adaptable strategy with a smaller budget.
With better organizational design and increased emphasis on personal and team mindfulness, businesses can become more dynamic and adaptable.
FORBES: Mindfulness as a Tool for Organizational and Social Change
Finns live in a cold climate: we have to be adaptable to survive.
The Internet, "appears to have survived a severe test of the adaptable traffic routing concepts it embodies, " the company said.
Make sure your cause marketing campaign is big enough, and adaptable enough, to counter whatever your competition throws at you.
Everything on earth, including us and our minds, has evolved, so the best tactic for success is to be adaptable.
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IaaS offers basic computing services, from number crunching to data storage, which customers can combine to build highly adaptable computer systems.
With a 45-foot range and a 45 degree camera vertical adjustment, the transmitter is adaptable for most vehicles, SUVs and RVs.
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The activities are adaptable to the skills and interests of students of various ages and use equipment that is widely available.