The note also promotes the urgent need for adaptation in the management of water.
The new stage adaptation will be performed in nine theatres including Norwich, Sheffield and Richmond.
Difference calls for an adaptation of parental expectation, challenging traditional ideas about nurture and support.
Dr. Vaillant has written about these men and their adaptation to life throughout the decades.
Indeed, Mr. Hurwitz regards the Netflix episodes as a prelude to a motion-picture adaptation.
With a superior capacity for memory, human societies evolved steadily through cumulative cultural adaptation.
The writers of Children of Men won the Scripter Award for best adaptation of a book.
Buckingham also applauds PortalPlayer's quick adaptation to the Apple setback by reducing its workforce by 14%.
The 3G telephony ventures have been mostly in western Europe, where income levels drive early adaptation.
Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of The Great Gatsby, will open the festival on 15 May.
Howson starred as Heathcliff in a film adaptation of Wuthering Heights released last year.
With this in mind, adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate change will be critical.
And I will emphasize that there must be a comprehensive framework for adaptation at Copenhagen.
But Anthony, a scorer whose game relies on half-court isolation, may have a rougher adaptation.
Ministers will consider its findings as they work on a cross-government strategy on adaptation and infrastructure.
The origin of writing and reading cannot be understood as a direct evolutionary adaptation.
Negotiation with norms, their adaptation and, sometimes, outright rejection are characteristic of the area.
The first step is to build awareness in the organization about climate change and adaptation.
Ubisoft was previously stung by a flawed adaptation of another hit game franchise, Prince Of Persia.
"We're only two to three years into the adaptation of this technology, " he says.
In 2006, Hudson took a supporting role in the film adaptation of the Motown musical Dreamgirls.
His other credits include Criminal Justice, Brideshead Revisited and the literary big screen adaptation of Perfume.
Ivory and his screenwriter, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, have done a skillful and sensitive job of adaptation.
International ocean governance, planning and financing for adaptation strategies are also needed to protect our ocean.
Summit Entertainment LLC has acquired feature rights to produce the English-language adaptation of the novel.
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Encourage the development and adaptation of OER in a variety of languages and cultural contexts.
Because the Perkins Brailler is used globally already, adaptation to the SMART version will be seamless.
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The sword is really just an adaptation of another tool, the knife, ergonomically adapted for combat.
Try this thought experiment: Your smarty-pants car is fitted with something called intelligent speed adaptation.
CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car
Bell plays orphan Smike in the film adaptation of Dickens' classic tale of friendship.