These are factors that can add on to the base offense level, which results in a higher sentence.
Obviously most people bought a PS3 to play games and everyone bought the add on to watch movies.
Though your budget won't allow you to add on to your space, it will allow you to move or build a few walls.
It took gamers and the press hours or days after E3 in 2011 to understand that the Wii U was indeed an entirely new console and not simply an add on to the existing Wii.
FORBES: If Sony And Microsoft Find Their Next-Gen Roles, Where Does That Leave Nintendo?
But we thought instead of erecting trailer parks, why not erect Katrina neighborhoods, with these small cottages and then allow people the option to either purchase the cottage and add on to it, or if they choose to move out, then the government could perhaps sell it to someone else, or someone who would lease it to another family.
You thus add to buy rated longs on weakness and add to sell rated shorts on strength.
Tour companies offer guided hikes to part of the Chilkoot and can add on trips to the Taiya River for wildlife viewing.
The timing of the increase makes sense for Microsoft because it is about to launch Kinect, its new motion-sensing add-on to the Xbox 360 console.
FORBES: Microsoft Raises Price For Xbox Live Gold Membership
Commission costs are about 20 percent of the selling price on average, which are paid by the buyer as an add-on to the recorded sales price, according to a recent cost comparison published by Brandeis University.
Capital One Financial announced settlements with two bank regulators on Wednesday over deceptive marketing practices related to add-on products sold to credit card customers.
FORBES: What's In Your Wallet? If It's a Capital One Card, You May Be Due a Refund
Those revenues are particularly important to cellular carriers, who are relying more on data services and add-on charges to buoy their bottom lines.
Ms. Anoussi says she sees it as a possible add-on to a trip to Costa Rica.
WSJ: The Challenge of Pitching Nicaragua as the Next Paradise
"Sport isn't an add-on to society, it's an integral part of it, " he said.
Aimster is an add-on to the software that lets users swap files with the people in their buddy lists.
Inflation has become the accepted add-on to Big Bang theory in the past 30 years, even though its physics is highly speculative.
And he also made clear, that the blogger-designated vehicles are an add-on to the ongoing automotive loaner program that all car companies have.
Eric Jacobson, director of fixed-income research at Morningstar, says investors should consider using this fund as an add-on to their bond portfolio rather than a core holding.
And as well as Wiley's fitness levels, Ferguson was unhappy about the referee's timekeeping after he failed to add on an additional minute to the four already signalled after Ferdinand's own goal.
While the announcement sounds the start of competition in this market, it raises a serious question for users: If ISPs offer domain name registration as an add-on to Web services, then who owns the domain?
CNN: New domain name system creates confusion over ownership
Dille expects its upcoming add-on to the PS3, its motion-sensing system PlayStation Move that launches in just four days, to capture more market share among hardcore gamers, but more importantly, among the casual gamers out there.
FORBES: On PlayStation's 15th Anniversary, Sony Plays The Underdog Once More, With Feeling
At its E3 press conference Monday morning, Microsoft announced the official price and launch date of its expected Kinect system, a controller-less add-on to the Xbox 360 game console that players control using their hands and gestures.
FORBES: Introducing Microsoft Kinect: November 4 Launch Date, But Price?
Rush Creek also just added a 9-hole par-3 short course, the perfect add-on to the regular round to make a bigger day of golf out of the trip, or a great way to warm up and get your short game in sync before playing.
The salvation of the theaters of the former Great White Way was always a promised but ambiguous add-on to the state and city's large-scale redevelopment schemes for the Times Square area, clearly secondary to the size of the real estate deals to be made.
Apple exceeded the guidance for its margins in the fourth quarter, a nice add-on to the sales of its slim touch-screen tablet the iPad, which increased by 3 million to 7.3 million in the fourth quarter and the increasingly globally popular iPhone, which increased 86% from the year-ago quarter.
The team at BioWare Edmonton has been able to take the latest improvements to Unreal and also add on proprietary technology to create a bigger experience.
The third-party call centers it had hired used high-pressure sales tactics to sell consumers add-on features to their credit cards but misled them about the benefits.
FORBES: Obama's Consumer Protection Agency Strikes: $210M Fine For Capital One
Christina DiIorio-Sterling, a spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz in Boston, would not comment on whether authorities plan to add charges based on the alleged plot to attack New York.
The figures will add to pressure on the Coalition to drop the levy amid fears it is forcing entrepreneurs to relocate abroad.
But if it is simply bolted on to add transactional friction to prevent churn (through recurring billing), it will be hard to lined up the rest of the business model to address the other issues previously mentioned.