Sovereign spreads marched higher again in the run-up to Basel III standards on bank capital adequacy.
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It's as if the security of Western civilization hinges upon Los Angeles's return to basketball adequacy.
While concerns about capital adequacy were hanging over banks, shareholders were reluctant to rock the boat.
That yields capital-adequacy ratios of about 11%, well above the 8% that international rules require.
If Bear Stearns were fine by all measures of capital and regulatory adequacy, shouldn't it have survived?
As a young economist, I did a fair amount of academic research on saving and insurance adequacy.
Imagine: exempt from state and local taxes, they also have less onerous capital-adequacy requirements than private rivals.
Securities and Exchange Chairman Christopher Cox said that capital adequacy at the five largest U.S. investment banks was being closely watched.
The study, A Post-Crisis Assessment of Retirement Income Adequacy for Baby Boomer and Gen Xers, is available here.
It aims to increase the protect policyholders by imposing new capital adequacy measures.
They are also shedding assets at an alarming rate in order to meet EU capital-adequacy targets by next June.
By contrast, France scored 75 on adequacy, but only 30 on sustainability.
Affluent, informed people want more than mere adequacy in the products they buy.
The adequacy of our regulatory apparatus is being depicted (again) as insufficient to fully meet looming food safety threats.
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Beyond the adequacy or otherwise of the funds' size, there is the problem of what they can be spent on.
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Its biggest customers early on were central and commercial banks, which began using RiskMetrics' models to meet VAR-based capital adequacy requirements.
More generally, it is possible that having two sets of capital-adequacy rules will distort competition between Basel 1 and Basel 2 banks.
Against that, though, new capital-adequacy rules due to take effect in 2006-07 will force Japanese banks to sell more of their holdings.
However, neither Interactive Brokers LLC nor its affiliates warrant its completeness, accuracy or adequacy and it should not be relied upon as such.
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Indeed, their capital-adequacy requirement was reduced earlier this year so that they could make more of an effort to bolster the housing market.
The rules for capital adequacy were set at global, European Union and United Kingdom level, and the FSA was required to work within them.
Besides challenging the adequacy of evidence for his conviction, Snipes is also arguing his sentence was based on factors not put before the jury.
Each country has been rated across seven key criteria, covering the breadth of law, EU adequacy, data transfer limitations, government surveillance activities, etc.
Even those banks that are in good shape may want to hold back amid uncertainty over capital-adequacy requirements and accounting rules for off-balance-sheet assets.
The two loss-making banks, among several others, were forced to submit restructuring plans to the government by the poor level of their capital-adequacy ratios.
The emphasis on regulatory capital adequacy has short-changed economic capital, capital allocation and might hamper efforts to use capital efficiently to price risk, Chartis reported.
Top concerns were skewed toward regulatory compliance with capital planning, including capital stress testing followed by calculation of regulatory capital and regulatory capital adequacy reporting.
For users who are concerned with the adequacy of this standard or who otherwise wish to further reduce their exposure, the most effective means .
The accident helped prompt a national debate over the adequacy of federal regulations for the nation's sprawling, 2.6-million-mile network of gas and hazardous liquid pipelines.
"Americans have more financial adequacy than is generally thought, " Love says.