In an adjacentsite museum, she viewed stone sculptures, plaques, copper coins and other artifacts bearing witness to a once renown centre of Buddhist religion and study.
Located on a tropical island 35 miles off the coast of Honduras, the new Pristine Bay Resort is situated on a 400-plus-acre siteadjacent to the Caribbean Sea.
"Reports that we are drilling or intending to drill on a siteadjacent to the Elkhorn Ranch were premature, " he told The Associated Press in a statement on Tuesday.
Last Sunday, an overflow car park in a grass field adjacent to the site had to be opened to accommodate the stream of traffic even though it was rainy day.
He said that he "didn't get how" the plans would damage the area when they were further away than a hotel and car park adjacent to the site which is owned by the Trust itself.
The George Street facade of the site is earmarked for redevelopment in a separate scheme that would "complement the adjacent Eastgate development" which is destined to include a new John Lewis store.