The company also added more detailed student profiles, and online quizzes that teachers can administer to students at home or at school.
FORBES: Edmodo Wants To Make Social Networking A Learning Experience
Governments and social leaders do have the RIGHT and OBLIGATION to question the safety of vaccinations they are supposed to administer to their citizens, especially when the safety was not explained to them by the appropriate bodies.
The order makes vaccinations more accessible and allows pharmacists to administer vaccines to children.
We worked to control patients' bleeding, to "reduce, " or set, their badly broken bones in an effort to save their limbs, and to administer medication to help their pain and prevent infection.
WSJ: Emily Loving Aaronson: On the Front-Lines of Battlefield Triage in Boston
The federal Victims of Crime Act allows the Justice Department to administer money to states to help pay for burial expenses, medical bills and lost wages for crime victims and their families.
Talks also were stuck over how to administer health benefits to unemployed workers.
They said the recording was taken by Murray, implying that the doctor should have known better than to administer more drugs to Jackson.
Back in Washington, Senate Republicans were preparing a proposal to give the Obama administration more flexibility to administer the cuts to blunt their impact.
The aim is to administer sufficient radiation to achieve an image scan of adequate quality, but not too much to cause harm to the patient.
The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) said that if a child was enrolled in a school, the head teacher had a legal obligation to administer the tests to that child.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Complaints grow over school tests
As the officer stops to administer first aid to the injured man and his female passenger, who is also shot, two other officers in a police van take over the pursuit.
Lloyd was bent over him trying to administer mouth-to-mouth.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Mother allowed baby son's murder
And it's - at least the administration's response has been, administratively, it would be absolutely impossible to administer that and to monitor in each grocery store what people are buying with their food stamps and that they think a better approach is to just have this better education.
The medicine for these ills is simple to prescribe, but painfully hard to administer: structural reforms to deregulate labour and product markets.
Nobody disputes the worthiness of the intention behind Mr Brown's tax credits, but plenty of people did express concerns that the scheme was too complicated either for the Inland Revenue to administer or for claimants to understand.
By the end of that week, she was told that she could keep her son there only if she came every day to administer the shots and to check his sugar level throughout the day, which wasn't feasible.
WSJ: For Children With Diabetes, a Struggle to Get Into Day Care
To hike the Fish River Trail you need to reserve a spot through Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR), the Windhoek-based company that administer access to the canyon.
In Europe, only doctors are legally allowed to administer the vaccine, according to Butler.
Smaller plans have higher distribution costs, whereas larger plans are easier to administer, service and sell to.
And everybody in this room has weighty responsibilities, from leading churches and denominations, to helping to administer important government programs, to shaping our culture in various ways.
In Prometheus, Mayo is challenging a patent that was awarded to researchers in Canada who determined what they believed to be the safest way to administer a drug called thiopurine to treat inflammatory bowel disease and similar conditions.
FORBES: Mayo Clinic Case Asks If A Doctor's Method Can Be Patented
From George Washington to Calvin Coolidge, presidents sought mostly to administer the laws that enabled citizens to live their own lives, ambitiously or not.
Ultimately, the probate judge granted Ansari's competing request to administer the estate but has yet to decide how to divide the assets, including the lottery payout.
At parents' requests, sensible schools are providing peanut-free lunch tables, and teachers are taught how to administer adrenaline shots if someone were to have a severe allergic reaction.
Monitor execution of Regular Budget and extra-budgetary resources and advise the Director of Office or the designate accordingly on their revisions: administer day to day budgetary issues within the Office, ensure the appropriate budgetary control, validate and process requests made to BFM for allotments and funds transfers, and provide relevant information requested.
Monitor execution of Regular Budget and extra-budgetary resources and advise the Head of Office or the designate accordingly on their revisions: administer day to day budgetary issues within the Office, ensure the appropriate budgetary control, validate and process requests made to BFM for allotments and funds transfers, and provide relevant information requested.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Finance and Administrative Officer ( 21/3/2011) (AR/RP/PAL/BFC/0005 - (P1P2)) PDF
He preferred a lottery, as being easier to administer than the sort of tests needed to allocate children to different bands.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Code 'won't translate into law'
He said the computerized version, which students are passing at higher rates than the paper version in pilot sites, will be cheaper to administer because states will no longer have to pick up the tab for things like grading the exam.
The bill, however, would have provided the White House with more flexibility to administer the reductions (read: more to farming, less to developing the Killbot 2.0) The bill was rejected by a 62-38 vote, with nine Republicans voting against their own party.
FORBES: Competing Senate Bills Fail; Sequestration Is Here (For Now)