Alun Davies AM outlined his commitment to administering CAP's Single Payment Scheme (SPS) effectively.
They don't need to actually be administering anything or exercising power on a day-to-day basis.
He has done an outstanding job, as have our other agencies in administering these programs.
For example, they have taken to administering school systems and prisons down to the minutest detail.
The body is responsible for administering funds from the Welsh Assembly Government for higher education institutions.
The BBC will only ever use personal details for the purposes of administering this competition.
The group administering the largest chunk of benefits, the West Harlem Local Development Corp.
Then, instead of administering a one-size-fits-all drug, doctors would use one that addresses the specific mutation.
Andrews stayed by his side, caring for Charles, administering to his growing list of bodily needs.
FORBES: Do Oncologists Lie to Their Patients About Their Prognoses?
One day, however, Rwanda may end up administering the provinces of North and South Kivu.
The courts have long held that the IRS cannot use subjective, "value-laden" tests in administering nonprofit status.
WSJ: David Rivkin and Lee Casey: The IRS and the Drive to Stop Free Speech
After all, apart from his personal care and for administering the estate, he performed legal work too.
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And there have been some local problems administering Avastin, which led to bacterial infection and blindness.
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"Administering the correct amount of sedatives is a commonly discussed problem in the medical world, " Chase says.
Responding to forums, administering a blog and interacting with customers takes time---a precious commodity for small companies.
This means those administering the treatment will know with precision when to continue and when to stop.
It will be a collaboration between Global Ventures, a private company, and the state entity administering Clark.
UN, despite its ability to monopolise the image of legitimacy, is ill-suited to administering territories in transition.
ECONOMIST: From Bosnia, East Timor, and other fragile places
The public agency has responsibility for regulating and administering the system of wild deer management in Scotland.
Researchers tested participants for their cognitive abilities by administering standardized tests of memory, information processing, and thought organization.
In this situation, staff would simply carry on administering the prescription that had been issued before the operation.
Administering thiopurines, observing the body's reaction and offering dosing advice did not add up to a patentable process.
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Medicaid is funded jointly by state and federal governments, with states administering the program under broad federal rules.
FORBES: New York Medicaid Reforms Intended to Improve Health at Lower Cost
If I might make a small suggestion to whoever is administering the revenues from the Tourist Promotion Act.
Lawmakers writing sweeping environmental laws in that era also granted additional resources to the agencies administering those laws.
WSJ: Federal Offenses: Law-Enforcement Teams Grow at U.S. Government Agencies
He's administering dog counseling as part of a plea deal the Kapus have made after five barking citations.
WSJ: Hawaii Turns to Dog Shrink as 'Incessant Barkers' Cut Plea Deals
At Exeter Crown Court, Hirst admitted administering a poison with intent to cause his wife injury or annoyance.
Sonia of course has no experiencing in administering a country, or in any field of economics or management.
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The charges against two of the officers relate to administering a beating that led to Mr Ashiri's death.
The state programs are Federally funded and mandated and every facet of administering the programs is contracted out also.