On the one hand, you have to (sort of) admire Girardi for her honesty.
Others, though, admire him for finding a way to make money from a stodgy industry.
"You know, I really admire you for standing up for what you believe, " he says.
"We admire Paul for making this difficult decision, " said Steve Penny, president of USA Gymnastics.
You can admire Bradshaw for sticking to her guns with some of this, but to call it unpopular would be a massive understatement.
If there is blitheness in Redmond about possible stonewalling refusal to buy into Windows 8, I have to admire Microsoft for steadfastness.
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Which raises the question, if corporate drones are in control of vehicles and rocket designs, will we still have public-servant-style astronauts to admire and for kids to worship?
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First of all, I admire you for your strength and courage in this obviously challenging situation, and I'm happy to be able to do anything to try and help, although personalized professional treatment is without question the best course of action for your daughters.
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And yet it was possible until 1999, when Tony Blair started to reform it, to watch the Lords in action and admire it for working better than any chamber of nearly 1, 300 members, more than 750 of them members by right of birth, really deserved to.
So as Ms. White, Mr. Ceresney and Mr. Canellos begin their great journey together to enforce the securities laws, I congratulate them on their appointment and admire them for having the courage to take important jobs where, no matter what they do, they will be subjected to criticism.
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That Mr Berlusconi has managed to stay on top for so long you despise, but Italians admire him just for that.
In the era of heavily scripted politics - and policy by focus group - many admire Bob Brown for saying what he believes and sticking to his principles.
These and other convincing results make a case that art has a quite tangible health value, even apart from the qualities we admire and value for more obvious reasons.
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Most Spaniards admire Mr Aznar for keeping the trade unions sweet, for negotiating a tricky parliamentary pact with Catalan nationalists, and for standing tough in the face of Basque separatist violence.
"We all admire the beaver for the way it can turn a linear river into a lake with a dam, but the termites turning the desert into a pattern of oases that allow permanent life even in drought periods for hundreds of years - that's much more fascinating, " he told BBC News.
But I admire Americans' admiration for innovation: the attitude that says (across party lines) "yes we can!"
Yes, I really admire Pepsi and Kraft for their vision of the future.
Perhaps we should admire them even more for that fact.
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But, said Ms Roberts, the Lincoln connection is already known to some of those in Americans who admire the former president for what he achieved in their country's history.
Yes, I mean we haven't, I haven't got a PR firm, I've got some very good friends in Oxford, some good professors and some people I much admire who are working for me.
But there's always room for Punorama, the punning contest for amateurs who admire the headline writers' art.
As they came up, the two men with the packs stopped, and Robert Jordan knew it was for him to admire the horses.
The Club for Growth is filled with people that I like and admire, and the Club has been a powerful force for good over the years.
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So, I admire her and I love her for that because it keeps me going.
Like Dejah Thoris from John Carter, Anderson was someone a female audience can admire, and Thirlby deserves praise for her portrayal.
How can you not admire what the Rooneys have done for both the city of Pittsburgh and the game of football?
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But I really admire the lesser-known advocates for women, like Edna Adan, who has dedicated her life to saving the lives of women in Somaliland.