"We have created an entertainment mobile, a new platform, " Ando says, admiring his new digital baby.
Designers and CEOs of the world's largest auto companies surrounded the vehicle, admiring its muscular lines.
He lived for the next 23 years on an estate in Dorn supported by admiring Germans.
As in real showbiz, his reputation spread in ever widening circles from an admiring centre.
Kevin McGuire and Kern McFadden round out the village population as admiring supporters of Mary Kate.
But it is surely big enough to keep audiences engrossed and admiring for years to come.
The night before, Valdespin hit a long home run and took a long time admiring its trajectory.
Clinton accused Obama of admiring former Republican President Ronald Reagan and doing legal work for a slumlord.
Chief executives and designers of the world's largest auto companies surrounded the vehicle, admiring its muscular lines.
On a 1951 trip to Canada, crowds of admiring women turned out to see the handsome prince.
The leading actor was caught in a spatter of applause as he moved among the admiring drinkers.
"You're admiring pictures, but you're getting acquainted with people that you've never met before, " Steven Sierra said.
Tomasz Kuszczak returned in goal, but spent much of the evening admiring a virtuoso United attacking display.
The night before, Valdespin hit a long home run and took plenty of time time admiring its trajectory.
The book has received admiring reviews in the Times and (twice) in The New York Review of Books.
Shortly after admiring a neighbor's professionally decorated yard, she decided to hire pros to adorn her own .
He stood there for a few moments, flames dancing wildly in his eyes, admiring the beauty of it.
"I said, 'I've got to go and see this magnificent rock, '" said a woman, recently admiring the rock.
High fees make this magazine skeptical of hedge funds but don't stop us from admiring their stock-selection skills.
Casting Leonardo DiCaprio as the glamorous, elusive billionaire Gatsby and Maguire as his modest, admiring neighbor was right on.
Bernard Jaffe's 1957 tome, Chemistry Creates a New World, was typical of the admiring literature swallowed whole by schoolchildren.
Unlike private equity, venture capital is generally discussed in positive and admiring terms.
Cary Donaldson portrays Bud, his admiring and loyal aide, wearing the efficient, slightly harried attitude of a political operative.
Then, it was into a Land Rover to get a closer look at the sprawling landscape I had been admiring from afar.
Mr Brown once wrote an admiring biography of an early local socialist MP.
"I think my favorite thing in it is simply taking the subway around, " Reid said, particularly admiring the posh stations.
Start at Punta Spalmatore, admiring the Greek and Roman anchors, vases and ceramics that indicate the site was an ancient harbor.
Foreign diplomats in Warsaw who had been admiring Mr Miller's apparently iron fists now fret that he is losing his grip.
In the afternoon, visitors stroll along the boutique-lined alleyways, admiring the Baroque heritage (check out the 17th-century Palais Lascaris) and lapping up ice creams.
We can admire eggmen like Bell, while still being connoisseurs of chickens, or, for that matter, think like doves while admiring hawks.