Page says she is often approached, admiringly, about her appetite for taking on feminist roles.
Moreover, he delightfully, admiringly gives us an appreciation of the wonderfully adaptive, ever-expanding English language.
Do you find it significant that so many educated Greeks followed Alexander admiringly?
FORBES: Two Great Historians Talk Alexander The Great, Part 4
Evangelos Venizelos, the finance minister, speaks admiringly of the sacrifices Greeks have made, but warns that more is to come.
"You built a legacy of love, " he makes Smokey Robinson say, admiringly.
Scott's company was admiringly portrayed as the Wal-Mart of the hospital business.
Tam remembered that Ravi had met a gay student named Carter during orientation at Rutgers, and had since spoken of him admiringly.
Indian officials speak admiringly of investments in China by the overseas Chinese.
No wonder the French press admiringly compares him to Tony Blair.
Drucker pointed, admiringly, to some nonprofit organizations with strict performance standards.
FORBES: Take This Job and Shove It: How to Know When to Quit
Michael Waller admiringly makes another parallel between these two, larger-than-life figures.
John Girvan, who had been watching admiringly, looked up, startled.
WSJ: Knitting and Weaving Artisans Embrace 'Chiengora' Yarn From Dog Hair
Foreign Minister Alain Juppe also spoke admiringly of Aubrac.
Some of the young reformers speak admiringly of Estonia in 1992, when a new cabinet with an average age of around 30 zapped the country with useful reforms (before getting booted out at the polls).
" He wrote admiringly of "the innumerable boates and vessells dress'd and adorn'd with all imaginable pomp ... the thrones, arches ... stately barges ... musiq and peals of ordnance both from ye vessels and the shore.
We remember him very fondly and admiringly.
FORBES: Leadership Highlights of the Week: Debating the Debate - Forbes
But she starts off a chapter on turning around Gillette, the consumer-products firm, by noting admiringly how its executives were able to let their hair down at the New England Patriots' new Gillette stadium, complete with Gillette cheerleaders.