For his part, Clemens said he cannot in good conscience admit to something he did not do.
But his account faltered when defense lawyers forced him to admit to past mistakes and lies.
Not everyone may openly admit to filling their cupboards and wardrobes by mail order.
BBC: NEWS | Business | Mail order looks beyond the printed page
Once they admit to that they will begin to restore their all important image.
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Those who signed admit to taking the abortion pill or helping others to do so.
In its usual fashion, the SEC did not require Rattner to admit to any wrongdoing.
When the accused admit to posting the materials themselves, authentication isn't as much of a question.
Lawyers in Brussels admit to a growing, general unease about the future of the single-market project.
Dwindling College Funds: 52% of adults admit to not having any college savings for their children.
Prohibition has pushed imbibing behind closed doors, but many Muslims still admit to enjoying a tipple.
Nor would he admit to coming to the conference to seek out additional financing.
Many men are too afraid and embarrassed to admit to being victims of domestic violence.
With e-mail becoming increasingly searchable, messages that admit to illegal or unethical behavior can easily surface.
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And after a few beers many other drivers will also admit to this problem.
In fact, I admit to a physical reaction to that video: a pang in my guts.
Around 80 swap houses subscribe to Blackbird, though few admit to using it much.
More than a few admit to the author that the market baffles them at times.
Two and a half years later McKinley had to admit to the executives that he'd been wrong.
However, analysts caution that some of the party's voters do not admit to supporting it in surveys.
Perhaps the most unpardonable sin: 50% of smartphone users admit to checking Facebook while at a movie.
What goes without saying is that you must never admit to actually wearing barbecue as a fragrance.
Though the percentages of people who admit to infidelity in surveys tend to be much higher.
Though most gurus disagree, PIMCO's bond maven, Bill Gross , does admit to buying inflation-adjusted Treasurys.
Three-quarters of Americans admit to making mistakes during open enrollment, according to a 2011 Aflac WorkForces Report.
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The whole post is very candid, and not many companies will openly admit to mistakes like this.
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Nearly 38 percent of Americans admit to being more monogamous with their gadgets than in their love life.
Or is this such a delicate topic that no one will admit to what they do on Facebook?
Local commuter networks, yes, but I must admit to being very unconvinced by long distance passenger rail travel.
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From his work at the charity, he believes that men find it harder to admit to being abused.
Nor did he admit to any wrongdoing -- saying there was no real proof that he did anything wrong.