Manager Terry Collins apparently didn't appreciate Tejada's punctuality, publicly admonishing him for failing to arrive early.
So, as Father Flynn preaches, Sister Aloysius moves among the schoolchildren admonishing some for various minor transgressions.
WSJ: A Re-'Doubt'-able Effort | John Patrick Shanley | Cultural Conversation by Judith H. Dobrzynski
What results do you feel he's gotten so far with the use of the bully pulpit admonishing the banks?
Some zinger about Jesus walking on water, perhaps, admonishing me to drop my sail and become a windsurfer of men.
So far, the proposed solutions have had about as much influence as previous federal directives admonishing Wall Street to do a better job of policing itself.
Observers point out acknowledging that there is work to be done by both parties, instead of only admonishing the Afghan government, could help bring Mr Karzai round to seeing his own failures and hopefully addressing them.
The NYSE sent out the text of a memo from Chairman Marshall Carter admonishing a seat holder who has been a vocal critic of the Exchange for his attempts to block a vote to approve the Archipelago merger.
When Crowley made it known beforehand that she regarded those rules as general guidelines rather than canon law, she was immediately embroiled in controversy, with the co-chairman of the Commission On Presidential Debates publicly admonishing her on her contemplated waywardness.
FORBES: The Real Winners Of The Second Debate: Candy Crowley, CNN And Voters
It is only when words on the walls start appearing, admonishing the player or offering backhanded encouragement after yet another violent explosion into giblets at the hands of a laser-equipped turret or murderous robot, that you realise the bastard is the game.
In his isolated final years, bin Laden became a micromanager, admonishing his Yemeni group that its members should always gas up and eat heartily before they embarked on road trips so that they wouldn't have to stop at gas stations and restaurants monitored by government spies.
The NYSE sent out the text of a memo from Chairman Marshall Carter admonishing a seat holder who has been a vocal critic of the Exchange for his attempts to block a vote to approve the Archipelago (amex: AX - news - people ) merger.
This concern prompted 49 former NASA scientists and astronauts to send a letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on April 10, admonishing the agency for its role in advocating a high degree of certainty that man-made CO2 is a major cause of climate change, while neglecting basic empirical evidence that calls the theory into question.
FORBES: Hellfire and Heresy: Global Warming Hotheads Inflamed About Skeptical Challengers