Subsequently, Ms Kenworthy's suspension was overturned by the Care Standards Tribunal and replaced with an admonishment which remained on her record until January 2013.
Albert Einstein once said that things should be made as simple as possible but no simpler, and of course this admonishment applies to planning as well.
The Pentagon disputes that claim, noting the four media outlets continued to publish the name between the evening of May 5 and into May 6, well after the judge's admonishment instructing all courtroom observers to follow the written protective order.
His admonishment, joined by those of other GOP lawmakers, came as both Democratic and Republican senators filed a flurry of amendments ahead of the first votes Thursday in a separate committee on the far-reaching bill to deal with an estimated 11 million immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally and the millions more who might be expected to try to enter in the future.