What my grandmother Bari Bauwa had to say was much more than a simple admonition.
One area in which that admonition is badly needed is the integrity of the dollar.
He said a big settlement without an admonition was "counterintuitive and incongruous, " he said.
First, the wireless came out with a moral admonition, then tender music began to play.
Vazire and Carlson end the article with an admonition from William Henry Devereaux Jr.
Those verses are much more relevant than Jesus' admonition to "turn the other cheek, " he said.
But neither these research findings nor The Lancet's admonition has fazed some in the medical education establishment.
In just two months, Apple has fallen from investor admiration to investor admonition.
Issa needs to aim his sights higher and consider the biblical admonition about not putting new wine in old wineskins.
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"Show, don't tell" is an admonition in fiction class but an imperative for screenwriters, who are limited to dialogue and action.
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The full story also includes extensive comments from panelists full of both praise and admonition, and you can read it here.
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Thank you for the mathematical admonition, which I think is well taken.
Still, Mr. Obama is expected to pair his calls for investment with an admonition that the country must embark on targeted spending cuts.
Again, I would -- suffice to say, our admonition that BP will pay for this leak is -- they will pay for this leak.
These terms are essentially trivial: amounting to little more than an admonition to play nice with the other boys and girls in the sand pit.
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So, while I think Mr. Litwack has written a thoughtful piece, I decline to agree with his admonition of Playoff PAC and continue to support their efforts.
That admonition from Bernanke deflated the U.S. stock market a bit, which in turn put some further downside pressure on crude oil and the U.S. stock market.
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But its admonition on this point is general and couched as a task for the IMF and Financial Stability Forum, although neither has direct control over regulators.
Disclaimer: For the sarcasm challenged, very little in the above, except for the factual data and my admonition to otherwise ignore my facetious argument was meant to be taken seriously.
He quoted from Benedict when he told the cardinals that while they are "princes" of the church, their leader is the crucified Christ, a further admonition against attachment to temporal power.
The admonition came after the judge conducted several monthly updates with the actress and required her to perform morgue cleanup duty to complete her sentence in a 2007 drunken driving case.
For many it is an admonition to follow the investing advice of Mark Twain (although often attributed to Will Rogers) and pay more attention to the return of your money than the return on your money.
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And Democrats are being caught flat-footed because they ignored the admonition of former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean to create a 50-state party, and instead, created a party that cared more about Congress and the White House.
At this Easter season, British and Irish leaders have followed the admonition of Luke to give light to them who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death and to guide their feet into the way of peace.
She has guided my path here, advising me on everything from office politics to how to handle calls from headhunters and the vicissitudes of my changing profession (a recent admonition: figure out what you can do professionally outside of journalism).
In the decades that followed, relatively few in the Muslim world followed this admonition as most Muslims regarded with appropriate skepticism financial schemes that generally were not reliable investments, especially those that went to almost-farcical lengths to conjure up returns without acknowledging they amounted to interest payments.
From our biggest cities to our smallest towns, citizens have done what had to be done to advance the dream that began on the 4th of July in 1776, always following Justice Holmes' famous admonition that we must be involved in the action and passion of our time for fear of being judged not to have lived.