That law bans adoptions by Americans ostensibly because of documented cases of abuse by adoptive parents.
However, some adoptive parents are pressing for more urgent action given the humanitarian situation in Haiti.
Max Shatto, 3, who was adopted from Russia, lived in Texas with his adoptive parents.
Beasley told CNN she wants to be involved in selecting adoptive parents for the twins.
That pending law would ban adoptions by Americans ostensibly because of documented cases of abuse by adoptive parents.
The adoptive parents were unavailable for comment, referring CNN to their lawyer in Washington, who declined to comment.
The report from Ofsted said inspectors had found processes for matching children with adoptive parents were "generally robust".
But the current study omitted some factors, some of which might be important to current and future adoptive parents.
Councillor Matt Kerr, the executive member for social care, said the authority "urgently needs foster carers and adoptive parents".
After reviewing the results of his post mortem examination, the doctors said the child's adoptive parents had done nothing wrong.
The men include Jeremy Bamber, convicted of shooting his adoptive parents, sister and her two children in 1985 in Essex.
Turchak said that the brother of the dead boy, another Russian adoptee, remains in the custody of the adoptive parents.
Cornwall Council said it understood fully "how hard it must be for people who are not approved as prospective adoptive parents".
According to Mr Stubbs the adoptive parents refused to hand the young girl back and so the siblings grew up apart.
State-subsidised Catholic adoption agencies have refused to place children with gay adoptive parents, though that sort of discrimination is now illegal.
The boy was named by his adoptive parents, Paul and Clara Jobs, a working-class couple from Santa Clara County, near San Francisco.
Councils in England could lose their powers over adoption services if they take too long to find adoptive parents, ministers have announced.
But some adopted children have said they would rather not know their origins, especially if the information implicates their adoptive parents in illegal acts.
On Monday, the Ector County district attorney said a grand jury declined to indict Laura and Alan Shatto, the adoptive parents of 3-year-old Max Shatto.
Guatemalan authorities say the adoption agency falsified documents to make the girl eligible for adoption, something that the adoptive parents in Missouri apparently didn't know.
It also wants to see more adoptive parents from ethnic minorities.
Adoption UK's chief executive Jonathan Pearce told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that about one in three potential adoptive parents were being lost from the system.
Although the Swedish bill does allow homosexuals to look abroad, 17 countries surveyed by the Swedish Foreign Ministry said they would refuse gays as adoptive parents.
We welcome any approach that encourages prospective adoptive parents to consider again whether they could provide a home for an older child or a sibling group.
The findings should be reassuring to adoptive parents, and to people who are thinking about adopting, because they show the importance of a positive environment, experts say.
The product of a 1950s love affair between a naive girl and her older, married employer, the author had managed contentedly with warm, inclusive adoptive parents into her thirties.
There are a number of things adoptive parents -- and biological parents for that matter -- can do to minimize the risk of their children experimenting with drugs and alcohol, say experts.
In the statement, the foreign ministry drew attention to the lack of medicines found in his body, even though the adoptive parents said they had been treating him with "a strong psychotropic medication".