To get the fish, Pacific Andes would advance its Russian suppliers money to cover expenses for fuel, vessels and fishing equipment, thus cementing relationships with a fleet hit hard by the collapse of the Soviet Union.
To get the fish, Pacific Andes would advance its Russian suppliers money to cover expenses for fuel, vessels and fishing equipment, thus cementing relationships with a fleet hit hard finally by the collapse of the Soviet Union.
If he were advising Kercher's parents, Dershowitz said, he would recommend that they file a civil suit to claim the money Knox has received as an advance for a book about the case that is scheduled for publication next month.
With customers taking equity, putting up research money and making advance orders, ASML will be surer of having a market for products that take a lot of time and money to create.
Obviously, the President signed into law advance appropriations for the VA, and the amount of money appropriated for the VA this year is at a record amount, understanding, as I said to Ann, that the tremendous stress that has been put on the force and the needs of more and more coming back from combat deployments overseas.
And we will make sure that that money is used elsewhere to advance the infrastructure and innovation agenda that is essential for economic growth.
Well okay, that money was actually earmarked for a health care newsletter rather than to advance their insidiously skeptical positions regarding a looming climate catastrophe.
FORBES: How Can I Get Some of That Anti-Global Warming Big Oil Money?
What makes it tougher is that unlike newsletters, which collect subscription money in advance and then pay the printer's bills over the course of a year, Vulcan pays for printing upfront and then collects from advertisers and distributors.
Organizations span the range from for-profit to a new legal form limited-profit organizations formed to simultaneously advance community benefit and earn a return for investors to nonprofits which derive a substantial portion of their money from activities that look like a for-profit (think: Girl Scout Cookies).
It is certainly bad for America, as I argue in my new book, Hopelessly Divided: The New Crisis in American Politics, for those on the extreme left and the extreme right to be able to advance their interests through unregulated money and campaign contributions.